2022-2023 Executive Team

Program: Year 2 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Social Justice and Diversity

Axiom Edmonds (they/them)


Hi all! My name is Axiom Edmonds. I’m a non-binary, multi-racial (Taiwanese/White) international student, with a BAH in Psychology and Minor in Philosophy from the University of Guelph. I joined the GSA because, for many of us who face marginalization outside of school, we face barriers that make the program unjustly difficult. I’m committed to anti-oppressive, anti-racist, anti-carceral, anti-fascist, intersectional, and collective practice so my goals as a GSA executive reflect this. With the time I have, I want to bring silenced student voices to the tables that make decisions for us, rather than with us. I’m here to hear you, and am always seeking input into how we can make your concerns actionable!

Program: Year 1 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Mental Health and Health

Vithusan Arunakirinathan (he/him)


Hello fellow students! 


I am honoured to serve as one of your Co-Presidents this year.  I am here to amplify our voices and advocate for change to policies and practices within the faculty.  I am passionate about equity, social justice, and systemic change.  My goal is to foster an atmosphere of safety and inclusion while prioritizing the needs of students in the faculty. My commitment to you is to advocate for student voices within the GSA and faculty while encouraging accountability and transparency.


Please feel free to connect with me to share your comments, concerns, and suggestions, or a conversation!

Program: Year 1 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Mental Health and Health

Lisa Klekovkina (she/her)


Hello everyone! I am excited to be the GSA Treasurer for the 2022-2023 academic year!

I am passionate about emotion-focused, trauma-informed, and anti-oppressive mental health practice. I'm doing my practicum placement at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and I hope to continue serving populations experiencing issues related to grief, traumatic stress, and emotional regulation after graduation.

As your GSA Treasurer, I want to ensure that the GSA can serve our FIFSW community by receiving sufficient funds and allocating them equitably and in a way that speaks directly to the needs of the student body. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email!

Program: Year 2 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Mental Health and Health

Gaja Ananthathurai (she/her)


Hello FIFSW community, my name is Gaja (pronounced Gai-uh, rhymes with Maya)! I have a strong passion for trauma-informed & anti-oppressive practice/mental healthcare. I am also someone who is driven to exist in, foster and nurture community. When thinking of how to do this at FIFSW, I aim to advance equity, inclusion and transparency. By centering these values in my involvement with GSA, I hope to amplify student voices as we work collectively to improve the FIFSW policies, programs, and activities which impact us & future students.

Program: Year 1 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Mental Health and Health

Tyler Cousin (he/him)


I joined the GSA to give students more of a voice in the program. I am a European immigrant to Canada, and I am passionate about migrant justice, anti-oppressive practice, and mental health advocacy. I look forward to working with the GSA to better the program for this and future cohorts!

Program: Year 2 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Mental Health and Health

Karima Jaffer (she/her)

Social Coordinator

Karima is a neurodivergent woman of color, who comes from a multi-ethnic/faith family. She is extremely passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and challenging the lack of access given to BIPOC and neurodivergent folks. She has led social work week at FIFSW, during 2020, 2021, and 2022. She is currently organizing social work week for 2023. Karima joined the GSA, after hearing that it was the student body's responsibility to advocate for the discrimination they face within the faculty. She hopes that through these events, students can find the asylum they deserve. Karima comes from a business career and educational path. She hopes to combine her MSW with her undergrad, to create socially innovative and community-development programs and policies. Her work experiences are very eclectic and include working with Indigenous children and youth, Black communities, and tenants via TCHC as a policy consultant, and as a social work student at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, as well as Michael Garron Hospital. Karima hopes to pursue social work in global development. For fun, Karima is a visual artist, loves to hike and be outdoors, and plays ball hockey.

Program: Year 1 (Two-Year MSW)

Stream: Social Justice and Diversity

Assia Messaoudi (she/her)

Year 1 Student Representative

Hi everyone! My name is Assia, and I'll be your Year 1 Representative for the remainder of the academic term. I'm a social researcher, writer, and Year 1 MSW student at FIFSW.

Before starting my MSW, I studied English, Professional Writing & Communication, and Sociology at UofT. In 2022, I graduated from George Brown College's Assaulted Women's and Children's Counsellor/Advocate program; this program's social justice-informed curriculum was foundational for me before I started my social work journey here. I have a passion for work rooted in accessibility, anti-oppression, anti-racism, harm reduction, system-level change, and meaningful engagement. 

I decided to run for Year 1 Rep because many students, including myself, have had challenges feeling heard within our faculty. As your representative, I intend to lead with transparency, accountability, and integrity to raise concerns brought to me by you folks. I also want to ensure that the events and goals we decide on in the GSA represent your needs and contributions. I will act as a liaison between our student body, the GSA, and the faculty as a whole, to foster safety and inclusion for Year 1 students.

I'm grateful and excited to represent our cohort in the GSA, and I want to ensure you all have a voice. If you ever have any questions, concerns or want to say hello, please feel free to connect with me :)