Anonymous Student Feedback: Let's Be Honest

Hey folks! We hope this finds you warm, healthy and well! 

We are excited to share with you a student-led and student-created initiative. With support from students, the Student Feedback Committee has created an online, anonymous student feedback option – it’s called Let’s Be Honest. The link to Let’s Be Honest is available on the GSA Quercus shell and the GSA's weekly newsletters.

Let’s Be Honest is a space where you can… well…be honest! If you have concerns about a course, your placement, an experienced microaggression in class, or anything to do with the FIFSW, this is where you can share it without fear of judgment or negative repercussions. The Student Feedback Committee manages your submitted feedback, anonymizes it, and shares important themes with the GSA and/or the appropriate Faculty member(s). The Committee will also regularly write and share reports on your expressed needs and concerns so that the student body can access, own, and be a part of the dialogue about their own feedback. 

Let’s Be Honest is a living document and will change according to student feedback and to meet student needs. If you have questions or concerns about this process, we’d love to hear them. You can contact the Student Feedback Committee at or or give feedback through Let’s Be Honest.

P.S. If you’d like to join the Student Feedback Committee or be involved with Let’s Be Honest, please do let us know. We would love to have you.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Student Feedback Committee

Black, Indigenous & POC
Student Needs Survey relating to the GSA

To all FIFSW students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or POC, the GSA would like to hear from you. 

The Graduate Student Association is striving to address systemic racism within the GSA and as one of our first steps we have released a Black, Indigenous & POC Student Needs Survey to begin the conversation about your needs, wants and values. Our goal is to create an opportunity for open dialogue about systematic racism, informed reflection and to make important changes within the GSA. This is an anonymous survey and is intended to gather students' experiences and opinions in informing future directions in the GSA.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please contact us at We will keep any communication confidential.

Survey can be found here: 

FIFSW Student COVID-19 Needs Evaluation Survey Report 

Thank you for completing the survey! A report has been created with the data and posted below for students and faculty. 

This has also been shared with the Dean & Associate Dean.

Please find the report on the "GSA & Student Reports" page of our website