Subject Choice 

Click on the document below for the S4-6 Pathways information

S45 Information ppt.pdf

S4-6 Course information for 2024-25

Teaching staff will share information with pupils on which course will help them to maximise their attainment next session.  

Click here to access further information from each of our faculties.

S45 course choice sheet.pdf
SCP programme 2024.pdf
Letter to parents Pathways Planning January 2024.pdf

Click on the letter opposite to access the parent/carer Pathways letter for session 2024-25:

Pathway Forms 

S2 Pathway Form

S2-S3 Option Form Session 2024-25.pdf

S3 Pathway Form


S4/5 Pathway form 


Now check out the other sections of this website to find out information about our departments and 

the different pathways they can offer: 

                                                Curriculum                            Pathways                                 

Skills Development Scotland: BGE Support

Skills Development Scotland: Senior Phase Support


Supporting Parents through pathways planning and course choice 

Useful Links

Scottish Qualifications Authority -

Skills Development Scotland -

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework -