Shaping the future workforce by supporting positive and 

progressive pathways for all pupils in Falkirk High School


Welcome to our 

Falkirk High School Pathways Website

Please click on staff pictures to access video links

Mrs Whittington works in collaboration with the other staff highlighted here to ensure the provision of  both universal and targeted support is planned, appropriate and relevant in helping to prepare our young people  for life beyond Falkirk High School. 

This support includes but is not limited to:

‘Developing the Young Workforce’ overview

Industry and Employer engagement 

Career Education and Work Placement Standards

Development and implementation of the Senior Phase curriculum

School, College, University, SDS, DYW link person

Email: kelly.whittington@falkirk.gov.uk

PT Positive Destinations

Mrs Hepburn

Position: Acting Principal Teacher for Positive Destinations 

Role: I support young people moving on after secondary school to ensure they reach their full potential and a positive destination. I work alongside a fantastic team (SDS, Heads of House, Deputes) to ensure our pupils have all the skills needed for life, learning and work. At Falkirk High School we are passionate about helping people unleash their full potential and actively pursue relevant experiences for our young people to get them ready for their next transition beyond school. This can mean different things to different young people from foundation apprenticeships, college courses, university, to the world of work and more. 

Keep up-to-date with 



email: Leona.Hepburn@falkirk.gov.uk

Telephone: 01324 679010 

Room: Find Your Future Hub (F45)

DYW Coordinator                                 Jade Morgan

Mrs Morgan coordinates all of our 'Connect with Careers' opportunities, including work experience for pupils in the school from S4 to S6. This session Mrs Morgan will launch our weekly 'Career Cafe' that will run out of our school bistro, hosting local employers to help inform our young people about the different industries and skills needed for todays workforce. If you are interested in a work experience opportunity please get in touch with Mrs Morgan in social subjects base or email jade.morgan@falkirk.gov.uk

 Blane McConnell

Blane works for Skills Development Scotland and is our school based Careers Advisor. Blane's office is next to the main door at the school library on the first floor and works with us on a Mon, Tues, Thu and Fri. 

Blane has a drop-in clinic every morning interval and any pupil is welcome to pop in, to seek advice or to make an appointment. 

Please follow Blane on twitter @FHSCareersAdv and Skills Development Scotland @skillsdevscot

Our Head of House team also provide ongoing support and guidance to all of their house pupils throughout the year, not just for subject choice and UCAS. 

See below for your Head of House, they are based in F09

Mr Barton  

Campbell House

Mr Simon

Cameron House

Mr Younger

Mackay house

Mrs Attanasi

Robertson House

We also work in partnership with a number of external partners and employers to support us with our universal and targeted provision across the school, to enable us to provide appropriate and relevant progression pathways for every young person in Falkirk High School.