
Check back here soon to hear from current and former pupils as they share their learner journey through Falkirk High School and beyond......

Have you read through some of the case studies on our Pathways page?

Some of our pupils have given an insight into why they chose to study one of the courses on offer as part of our School Partnership programme with Forth Valley College and The Open University.

If you are a former pupil of Falkirk High School and would like to share your learner journey and career path with us, then please get in touch by emailing: see below for some ideas on how you could help....

We are always looking for creative and new ways to support the young people of Falkirk High School.Including option choices and the different qualifications that these can lead to, the diversity of routes into the world of work …including work-based learning placements, direct entry into work, apprenticeships and Higher Education.

Are you a parent,partner or expupil - can you inspire, provoke thought and provide support to our young people…You have knowledge, skills, wisdom, experience, contacts a business of your own? We seek your help in developing Falkirk High School pupils into the workforce of the future. Please get in touch, we will help you to help our young people, a few ways you could help us:

An audio file (approximately 2 minutes) tell us about your career journey

In a film (approximately 2 minutes) tell us about your career journey

Give a career talk to pupils telling them about your journey and what qualifications and experience you needed to complete it

As an employee tell pupils what employers are looking for

Host a work based learning placement / training opportunity

Host a pupil visit

Develop a Business Partnership with Falkirk High

Have an idea or project you would like to develop in partnership with the school