Hopefully this may help to answer some questions you may have. If you still have a question then please complete the form by clicking the link below and we try to get back to you as soon as possible:

How many subjects do I have to take each year after S2?

S3 - 8 subjects. In  S4 it is 7 subjects (Maths and English + 5 others). In S5 it is 5 subjects (English + 4 others). In S6 it is 4 columns. In S5 and S6 we have half columns available, these are 3 period options, but you need to select 2 to make a full column.

When will I have to make my options?

For current S2 it will be January 2023. 

For current S3 it will be January 2023.  

For current S4 it will be February 2023, with the opportunity to amend this following SQA results in August.  

For current S5 it will be March 2023, with the opportunity to amend this following SQA results in August.  

What will help me to decide on what subjects to take?

Looking through this website is a great place to start!!!! See our Pathways page for individual subject/Faculty information.

The next best thing to do is to speak to your teachers for guidance on the level and type of course that would best meet your needs personally and academically to maximise your potential relative to your intended leaving date. 

You can also look back through your school reports and tracking reports to help you see what subjects you are doing well in and any recommendations about the progression route you may want to consider. Your Parent/Carers and Head of House will also be able to support you with making a decision. 

You can also attend a drop in with our careers advisor at interval in her office next to the library (Every interval other than a Wednesday).  

Searching online and looking through our Destinations page can also be a good way to look at your options and to see what University, College or Employers are looking for in terms of qualifications, skills and experiences.

What is the difference between Level 5 and National 5?

Every course on offer in the school or as part of our school/college partnership programme is credited on the SCQF framework. If it is a National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher qualification it is more than likely to have an exam as part of the final assessment. If it is an NPA or has a Level 5 assigned to it, then there will be ongoing internal assessments required throughout the year to achieve a pass (no exam).  Some classes offer a Level5 and National 5 within the same class but your teacher will be able to share more information about this to you and advise you as to the level that best suits your potential. The same applies to Level 6 and Level 7 qualifications. See our Curriculum page for more information on the SCQF Framework and levels. 

What options do I have if I cannot leave until Christmas of S5?

This applies to any S4 pupil that will not be 16 until after 30th September 2023. 

You may want to consider our STEP FORWARD programme - speak to your Head of House for more information on this. 

Forth Valley College also have courses that start in the January and you can click here for more information on what courses are on offer and how to apply.  We can also look to support exceptional entry to college to start in August of 2023 if this is appropriate for the pupils and would be discussed with a pupils Head of House and home.

Our Careers Advisor will also meet with you to support you with this.

What should I do if I want to study one of the School Partnership courses Eg. Forth Valley College, YASS or LEAPS?

Please see our Pathways page for more information on the courses and eligibility criteria required to study these. 

You should also speak to your Head of House to let them know you are thinking about this as an option.

You can also speak to Mrs Whittington (Depute HT in G90)

FVC Website - click here YASS Website  - click here LEAPS website- click here

Can I have a study column in S6?

Yes you can have 1 study column in S6. However if you do not have a Level 5 in both Literacy (English) and numeracy (Maths) by the end of S5 we would encourage you to make sure that your S6 timetable will allow you to achieve this before leaving school. Please speak to your Head of house, English and Maths teacher to support you with this.