Faculty Pathways Informtion

Check out our new videos below!!

Click on the subject and hear directly from our staff about the different courses on offer 

in FHS for next session 

(Courses offered  are based on there being at least 10 pupils opting for this next session)

Please click on the departments below to access information on the variety of courses on offer across the school. 

Each Faculty offers courses ranging from Level 4 to level 7, with some courses requiring no final examination in order to achieve a pass. 

See our Curriculum page for information  on the different SCQF Levels assigned to courses and what this means for your child. 

School Partnership Courses

Click Forth Valley College text above to see  for the range of courses available to S5 and S6 pupils as part of the school partnership programme with Forth Valley College for next session.

More detailed information is also given in our S4/5 Video presentation on the course choice page.

Click below to read through some of our pupils experiences from studying the school/college partnership courses: 

Virtual Offering

Please click on the picture opposite for information on courses that will be offered virtually next session in Falkirk schools. 

Please click thelink below for FAQ's on the virtual offering:


YASS (Open University)

As part of our school partnership programme with the Open University to offer the YASS programme of study (Young Applicants in Schools Scheme) please see the range of courses available to S6 pupils only. 

You may wish to also read through one of our S6 case studies of their experience of studying YASS:


Employer Engagement

Each Faculty provides an opportunity for our young people to engage with employers and other external agencies to enhance their career education experiences. This provides our young people with a rich and contextualised insight into the world of work and increases their awareness and understanding of the skills and competences required for their industry or field of expertise. These opportunities are provided in a number of ways:

These are some of the partners and employers we collaborate and engage with across the school.............please get in touch if your company/business would like to support our young people with experiencing a greater insight into the world of work: kelly.whittington@falkirk.gov.uk