studia po angielsku - rekrutacja

II stopień

Forma i rodzaj: Stacjonarne II-go stopnia

Czas trwania: 1,5 roku (3 semestry)


  • Mechanical Engineering - Product Engineering

Predyspozycje kandydata:

  • interest in creative work in the field of technology

  • readiness to solve technical and organizational problems

  • interest in technology and its challenges

Kariera po studiach:

  • employment in design and engineering offices

  • employment in production, trade and machine operating facilities in a variety of branches of industry

  • own business in design engineering, production and servicing

  • employment at the following positions: designer, product manager, operation specialist, trade-technical advisor, service advisor, appraisal specialist, expert

  • employment in the aviation industry

  • employment at airports