Department of economics and economy theory

Academic staff

Head of the department - SVITLANA BATAZHOK

  • Academic title and scientific degree: associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: In 1998, she received a higher education at the Bilotserkiv State Agrarian University (Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University). In 2007, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences with the specialty 08.00.01 - Economic theory and history of economic thought on the topic: "Socio-economic guarantees in the conditions of market transformation".

  • The direction of scientific research: state regional policy and development of territories in conditions of change.

  • Field of scientific interests: eco-innovations in the resource-efficient economy.

  • Teaches disciplines: Budget system, Finance, Money and credit, Budget management.

  • Work experience and support activities: 1998 - 2003, leading economist of JSC "Ukrsotsbank" in Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region. In 2003, she was hired as an assistant at the Department of Finance. Since 2010, she has been transferred to the position of associate professor of the Department of Finance and Credit. In 2019, she was appointed to at. Head of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory. In 2020, the head of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory. Secretary of the Methodological Commission of the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences.

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  • Academic title and scientific degree: doctor of economic sciences, professor.

  • Scientific activity: In 2001, she obtained a higher education at the National Agrarian University. In 2004, she defended her candidate's thesis on the topic: "Principles and methods of spatial organization of the social infrastructure of the village in the conditions of economic transformations" on the specialty 08.10.00 - Placement of productive forces and regional economy. In 2011, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Transformation of the economic mechanism of the development of the market for meat and livestock products" in the specialty 08.00.03 - Economics and management of the national economy.

  • The direction of scientific research: theoretical and methodical substantiation of the concept of economic regulation of the meat and livestock market and the development of a scientifically based mechanism for its implementation in the conditions of European integration.

  • Field of scientific interests: transformation of the economic mechanism of the development of the meat and livestock market .

  • Teaches disciplines: Economic management of an enterprise, Enterprise economics, Labor economics and social and labor relations.

  • Work experience and support activities: Member of the specialized academic council D 27.821.03 at the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses. Head of the scientific initiative topic "Competitiveness of enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration" 0118U003646. Member of the editorial board of the scientific publication "Sustainable Development of the Economy". Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Economics and Management of the Agricultural Industry". 18.09.2012–25.03.2016 – Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva.

Participant of the international conference on sustainable development "Engaging higher education in local and global challenges". On October 22-25, 2016, she took part in the PUB conference on sustainable development and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Baltic network.

On June 8-16, 2017, she participated in negotiations with the EU ambassador to the Vatican, the UN mission, San Marino and Malta, Jan Tombinski, and the FAO organization regarding the implementation of the partnership project between the BNAU and VetAgro Sup, Lyon (Rome, Italy).

17–21.07.2017 took part in negotiations on the continuation of cooperation in the city of Giessen

18–23.11.2017 took part in the discussion of opportunities for cooperation in the field of science, scientific research and education between educational institutions (Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia).

5–7.12.2017 took part in the international conference: agrarian policy of the present and the future (Poland, Warsaw University).

15–17.12.2017 took part in the discussion of opportunities for cooperation in the field of science, scientific research and education between educational institutions (Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia).

07–08.06.2018 International Scientific Conference "Economic sciences for agribusiness and rural economy" - 65th Anniversary of Faculty of Economic Sciences WULS in Warsaw - program (Warsaw University of Applied Sciences, Poland).

24–28.10.2018 Solving issues of cooperation (signing a memorandum) (Hugo Kollontai Agricultural University of Kraków).

13.11.2019 participation in the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia).

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  • Academic title and scientific degree: doctor of economic sciences, professor.

  • Scientific activity: In 1979, he obtained a higher education at the Kyiv State University named after T. G. Shevchenko. In 1985, he defended his candidate's thesis and received the scientific degree of candidate of historical sciences. In 2006, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences with the specialty 08.01.04 - Economic history and the history of economic thought on the topic: "Monetarist theories and trends in their development: historical and economic analysis."

  • The direction of scientific research: institutionalization of the monetary component of the economic system of Ukraine.

  • Field of scientific interests: modern monetary theory and policy, institutionalization of the financial system, budget policy.

  • Teaches disciplines: Regional economy, History of economics and economic thought, Institutional economics, State-business partnership, Modern economic theories.

  • Work experience and auxiliary activities: Member of specialized councils: D 26.853.01 of the State Scientific and Educational Institution "Academy of Financial Management"; D 27.821.03 of Belotserk National Agrarian University. Member of the editorial board of the gazette: "Economics and management of agricultural industry".

Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Economics and Management of the Agricultural Industry".

Head of the scientific initiative topic "State-business partnership on the creation of the infrastructure of the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine" 0118U003647.

  • Advanced qualification: NUBIPU NNI postgraduate education. "Methodical rationale for the organization of distance learning for higher education in disciplines" Certificate SS 00493706/000699-16. Date of issue: September 23, 2016.

BNAU Institute of Postgraduate Education "Innovative Orientation of Pedagogical Activity". SPK certificate 00493712/178/20/21. Date of issue: November 27, 2020.

Took part in the workshop "Introducing toolkit PERIF for supporting role of universities in region" on November 12-13, 2019.

Took part in the workshop "Transfer of know-how of green office - corporate social responsibility of universities" and "Point - one - transfer of know - how regarding business incubators" on November 28-29, 2019.

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  • Academic title and academic degree: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

  • Scientific activity: In 1983, she obtained a higher education at Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko. In 1990, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.01 - political economy, on the topic: "Formation and use of the consumption fund in socialist reconstruction".

  • The direction of scientific research: globalization and innovative development of the economy, socio-economic relations in the agrarian sector of the economy.

  • Field of scientific interests: level and quality of life of the population.

  • Teaches disciplines: Economic theory, Microeconomics, Social economy.

  • Work experience and auxiliary activities: Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Economics. Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Faculty of Economics. Curator of students of the 3rd year of the "Economics" specialty.

In 2016, advanced training took place within the framework of advanced training courses under the NUBiPU program "Innovative Orientation of Pedagogical Activity".

In the period 2019-2020 completed an internship in production conditions for a total of 90 academic hours, which corresponds to 3 ECTS credits, majoring in "Economics", discipline "Economic Theory" at "Fastivka" LLC, Bila Tserkva district.

In 2020, advanced training took place at the Institute of Postgraduate Education "Innovative Orientation of Pedagogical Activities" of the BSAU. SPK certificate 00493712/180/20/21. Date of issue: November 27, 2020.

Took part in the workshop "Transfer of know-how of green office - corporate social responsibility of universities" and "Point - one - transfer of know - how regarding business incubators" on November 28-29, 2019.

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  • Academic title and academic degree: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

  • Scientific activity: In 2006, she graduated from Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna and received a full higher education majoring in "Enterprise Economics" and obtained a master's degree in enterprise economics. In 2012, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences with the specialty 08.00.01 - Economic theory and history of economic thought on the topic: "The influence of inflation on economic growth".

  • The direction of scientific research: organizational and economic foundations of the formation of intellectual capital in the conditions of the innovative economy.

  • The field of scientific interests: covers a wide range of problems related to the economic and mathematical modeling of economic processes, in particular, the analysis of the impact of inflation on economic dynamics, the level of investments, the construction of models of economic dynamics, the analysis of the foundations of the formation of intellectual capital, as well as the development of tools for evaluating efficiency intellectual capital.

  • Teaches disciplines: Macroeconomics, Cost management, Economic diagnosis of the enterprise.

  • Work experience and support activities: Deputy for educational and career guidance work of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics.

In 2020, advanced training was completed at NUBIPU NNI Postgraduate Education. "Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity". SS certificate 00493706/000644-16. Issue date: February 10, 2020.

In 2016, advanced training took place at the Institute of Postgraduate Education "Innovative Orientation of Pedagogical Activity" of the BSAU.

SPK certificate 00493712/176/20/21. Date of issue: November 27, 2020.

Took part in the internship seminar "Formation of a modern personality: the influence of educational, philosophical, cultural and economic processes" (February 8-11, 2016, Kosice (Slovakia)).

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  • Academic title and academic degree: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

  • Scientific activity: In 2006, he obtained a higher education at the Belotserki State Agrarian University. In 2014, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity) on the topic: "Investment support of agricultural enterprises".

  • The direction of scientific research: institutionalization of the agrarian sphere on the basis of innovative development.

  • The sphere of scientific interests: the formation of the agrarian sphere in the conditions of institutional support for the development of the innovation market.

  • Teaches disciplines: Formation of the business model of the enterprise, Capital of the enterprise, Economics and organization of agro-industrial formations, Estimation of the cost of business.

  • Work experience and support activities: Took part in the course of training webinars on getting to know the possibilities of cloud services for the organization of distance learning "Beginning and practice of working in Microsoft teams".

Completed an internship at the BNAU. Institute of Postgraduate Studies. Company "Skyrsk bread products factory". Certificate of internship in production conditions in specialty 051 "Economics". SS 00493712/000268. Issue date 2020

Passed advanced training at the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences. "Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity" in teaching the educational disciplines "Enterprise capital" and "Formation of the business model of the enterprise". SPK certificate 00493712/174/20/21 Date of issue: 11/27/2020

Responsible for career orientation activities of the department.

Took part in the workshop "Introducing toolkit PERIF for supporting role of universities in region" on November 12-13, 2019.

Took part in the workshop "Transfer of know-how of green office - corporate social responsibility of universities" and "Point - one - transfer of know - how regarding business incubators" on November 28-29, 2019.

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  • Academic rank and scientific degree: assistant.

  • Education: In 2003, graduated from the Belotserk State Agrarian University.

  • The direction of scientific research: organizational and economic support of the competitiveness of grain processing enterprises.

  • Field of scientific interests: competitiveness of enterprises and their organizational and economic support.

  • Teaches disciplines: Enterprise planning and control, Enterprise economics, Enterprise economic management, Labor economics and social-labor relations, Enterprise competitiveness Work experience and auxiliary activities: responsible for the work of the cathedral circle "Economist".

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  • Academic title and scientific degree: assistant.

  • Education: In 2013, received a higher education at the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.

  • The direction of scientific research: theoretical foundations of food security in the conditions of globalization.

  • Field of scientific interests: food security of the country, its features.

  • Teaches disciplines: Macroeconomics and microeconomics.


  • Position: senior laboratory technician of the department.


Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, pl. 8/1 Soborna, Bila Tserkva, Kyivska oblast, 09117 Ukraine

(097) 777-26-14, (098) 251-83-77, (097) 376-41-45