Department of accounting and taxation

Academic staff

Head of the department - SERHIY KHOMOVY

  • Academic title and scientific degree: associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: In 2006, he obtained a higher education a tPodilsk State Agrarian and Technological University. In 2012, he defended his thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of economics ciences on the specialty 08.00.09 - "Accounting, analysis and audit" (by types of economic activity) on the topic: "Organization and methods of management accounting of biological as sets of animals".

  • The direction of scientific research: Management accounting of bioenergy costs in agricultural enterprises.

  • Teaches disciplines: Management accounting, Accounting in foreign countries, System of national accounts, Methods and models of decision-making in accounting and taxation.


  • Academic title and scientific degree: professor, doctor of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: In 1993, he received a higher education at the Uman Agricultural Institute. In 1997, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences on July 8, 2002, specializing in "Economics of agriculture and agro-industrial complex" on the topic: "The economic mechanism of the formation and functioning of the porkmarket in Ukraine." In 2010, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences with the specialty 08.00.04 "Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)" on the topic: "Organizational and economic principles of the functioning of personal peasant farms." Member of specialized scientific councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses.

  • The direction of scientific research: Theoretical and methodological principles of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of personal peasant farms in market conditions.

  • Teaches disciplines: Accounting, Financial accounting, Research methodology, Audit.


  • Academic title and scientific degree: associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: Improvement of accounting and control of the activities of economic entities in the conditions of a market economy. In 1977, she received a higher education at the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute. In 1996, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences on September 8, 2003, with the specialty "Labor, wages and living standards" on the topic: "Formation of the system of social protection of the rural population in radiation-contaminated areas."

  • The direction of scientific research: Organizational and methodological support of accounting in agrarian formations.

  • Teaches disciplines: Accounting in enterprise management, Organization of accounting, International taxation, Accounting in bud get institutions.


  • Academic title and scientific degree: associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: In 2007, she obtained a higher education at the National Agrarian University. In 2012, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences with the specialty 08.00.09 - "Accounting, analysis and audit" (by types of economic activity) on the topic: "Domestic accounting for the production of foddercrops".

  • Direction of scientific research: Deep ening of theoretical provisions and development of methodical and organizational-practical recommendations for improving the accounting policy of agro-industrial enterprises for effective management of agricultural production.

  • Teaches disciplines: Basics of taxation, Internal economic control, Automation of accounting and economic processes, Accounting and analytical support for the economic security of enterprises.


  • Academic title and scientific degree: associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: In 2007, he obtained a higher education at Podilsk State Agrarian and Technological University. In 2012, he defended his thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences on the specialty 08.00.09 - "Accounting, analysis and audit" (by types of economic activity) on the topic: "Information and analytical support for managing the competitiveness of poultry products".

  • The direction of scientific research: Analysis of the market of meat products and study of methods of increasing the efficiency of information and analytical support for managing the competitiveness of meat products.

  • Teaches disciplines: Accounting and auditing, Tax system, Organization and audit methodology, Forensic accounting examination.


  • Academic title and scientific degree: associate professor, candidate of economic sciences.

  • Scientific activity: In 2005, she obtained a higher education at the Belotserki State Agrarian University. In 2015, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences with the specialty 08.00.04 - "Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)" on the topic: "Cost management of egg poultry enterprises".

  • Direction of scientific research: Deepening of the theoretical and methodological foundations and development of practical recommendations for ensuring the cost management system of egg-poultry enterprises in conditions of variability of the internal and external environment.

  • Teaches disciplines: Accounting, financial accounting, financial accounting - 1, financial accounting - 2, tax management.


  • Position: senior laboratory technician of the department


Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, pl. 8/1 Soborna, Bila Tserkva, Kyivska oblast, 09117 Ukraine

(097) 777-26-14, (098) 251-83-77, (097) 376-41-45