Satitoa, Samoa

How has climate change affected coral reefs?

Station 7. Satitoa, Samoa Story

Exiting Neumayer Station III, you are transported from the deep freeze of Antarctica to the tropical breeze of Satitoa, Samoa located at 171º 22' W/ 14º 1' S. Don’t worry, although the longitude has changed to 171º W, you are still on a path to Bremerhaven.

The centerpiece of the exhibit room is a traditional open thatched roof structure called a fale. The fale design is an engineering solution for comfort in a sunny, warm, wet, breezy tropical climate. It was difficult to find construction trades people in Europe who had the knowledge and skills needed to build a fale. Two of the local residents of Satitoa, whom Axel Werner befriended, traveled to Bremerhaven to construct the fale.

The fale overlooks a lagoon. Standing in the fale, you gaze over a white sand beach to blue waters that sparkle in the tropical sun. Off the coast, a tropical reef is teeming with life. Tropical reefs are often referred to as the rainforests of the ocean because of their biodiversity. The coral reef habitat sustains a variety of animals some of which are important food sources for the Samoan islanders.

The original village visited by Werner and Goldberg no longer exists. After a tsunami destroyed the village in 2009, the inhabitants resettled further inland. The tsunami was unrelated to climate change, however, there are other events taking place are related to changes in climate that made the move inland a necessity.

As an island in the Pacific, Samoa is particularly vulnerable to changes in sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. Precipitation patterns change with the naturally occurring changes in ocean currents known as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, storm intensity precipitation variability is increasing as sea surface temperatures increase.

Warmer ocean water evaporates more quickly from the surface raising the water vapor concentration in the air above the water. More water in the atmosphere can lead to cloud formation. More water in the air has the potential to increase the chance of rain. Although evaporation of surface water leads to increased salinity, the return of freshwater as rain reduces salinity. Unlike Antarctica, the problem is not changing ocean salinity, rather it is increasing cycling of water between the ocean and atmosphere driven by heating. Sunlight drives water evaporation from sea surfaces. Because of Earth’s axial tilt, incoming solar radiation is the most direct and intense in tropical regions.

Warmer ocean water has other impacts as well. As seawater warms, the kinetic energy of water molecules increases. As the kinetic energy increases, water molecules spread out causing the volume to expand. Seawater expansion contributes to global sea level rise. Rising sea levels may cause flooding and beach erosion. Silt in the water from beach erosion affects coral reefs by blocking sunlight needed by photosynthetic zooxanthellae that live on corals and produce nutrients and energy for corals.

Warmer water temperatures also impact the symbiotic relationship between zooxanthellae and corals. When temperatures are 1º to 2º C higher than normal for 5 to 10 days, zooxanthellae abandon the coral. If conditions remain too warm, even if water is clear and shallow, the zooxanthellae do not return. When corals become deprived of nutrients they begin to turn white and die. Warmer ocean surface temperatures are one cause of coral bleaching.

Another factor affecting ocean life is ocean acidification. The acidity of a substance is measured using a pH (potential of hydrogen) scale from 0 to 14. Substances with a pH less than 7 are called acids. Substances with a pH of 7 are neutral. Substances with a pH greater than 7 are bases. Acidity refers to an acid alkalinity refers to a base. Acidification describes processes that result in lower pH measurements, even if the altered pH is still equal to or greater than 7.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the average pH of ocean water was 8.2. The alkalinity of ocean water depends on chemical reactions taking place in the water. Oceans serve as a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide mixes with ocean water it forms carbonic acid. Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere correlate to lower pH levels in ocean waters. The current average pH of ocean water is 8.1. That may not seem like a big difference, but the pH scale is based on powers of ten. A 0.1 change in pH is a 25% reduction in alkalinity and increase in acidity. Lower pH levels affect survival of corals and animals with calcium carbonate shells.

The signs of climate change in Samoa are alarming. A downed electrical line pole indicates the power of recent storms. Flood waters lapping at the steps of the church are a sign of sea level rise. Ocean reef productivity has declined as the result of warmer ocean temperatures and acidification. Could that light bulb in Bremerhaven be connected to sea level rise, ocean acidification, increased storm intensity, and coral bleaching in Samoa?

What to do

  • Look for clues to answer the question.

  • Examine the photo to identify factors that influence the climate of Satitoa.

  • Use Google Earth to develop a sense of place.

  • Analyze the data and the climograph to observe patterns in rainfall and temperature.

  • Use the dig deeper resources to gather information to understand the processes behind climate change.

Satitoa, Samoa 171º 22' W/ 14º 1' S

Elevation: 3 feet Population 522

Note: The village of Satitoa was destroyed by a deadly tsunami in 2009. The village was resettled inland.

Google Earth View

Climate Type: Tropical

Climate Outlook

Predicted climate change:

  • Warmer ocean temperatures

Climate Change Threat:

  • Sea level rise

  • Increased storm intensity

  • Ocean acidification

Climate Change Impact:

  • Flooding

  • High wind damage

  • Loss of coral reef biodiversity

Average Annual Precipitation: 110.2 inches

Dig Deeper

There are many questions that scientists have regarding coral reef responses to risng ocean temperatures. Learn more about coral reef responses to climate change at the National Marine Sanctuaries website.

Sea surface temperatures have increased. EPA Warmer Oceans

Explore Sea Level Data at NASA Global Climate Change

Argue from Evidence

Evaluate the claim that signs of climate change are alarming in Samoa. Propose a mitigation or adaptation strategy for Satitoa.

Make a Model of Seawater Expansion

Option 1. Design a System


"Ocean water expands as it warms, filling larger volumes. The ocean absorbs more than 90 percent of the heat that greenhouse gases trap in Earth’s atmosphere, making thermal expansion a significant contributor to global sea-level rise — about one-third of the total observed.” (Source:

Engineering Challenge

Design and construct a physical model that demonstrates thermal expansion of saltwater. Your model must demonstrate thermal expansion within a class period time frame. The expansion must be the sesult of warming only. Expansion must be measurable.

  • Identify the criteria and constraints.

  • Consider the types of materials that could be used to create a working model.

  • Propose 2 to 3 possible design solutions.

  • Draw the final design solution indicating the materials to be used and how the system works.

Option 2. Analyze the Computer Model


Ocean water expands as it warms, filling larger volumes. The ocean absorbs more than 90 percent of the heat that greenhouse gases trap in Earth’s atmosphere, making thermal expansion a significant contributor to global sea-level rise — about one-third of the total observed.” (Source:

Read the article at NASA Sea Levlel Change:Observations from Space. Analyze the graphs. Explain how we know that sea level rise is, in part, driven by thermal expansion of seawater.

Option 3. Use a Model to Observe Thermal Expansion


Ocean water expands as it warms, filling larger volumes. The ocean absorbs more than 90 percent of the heat that greenhouse gases trap in Earth’s atmosphere, making thermal expansion a significant contributor to global sea-level rise — about one-third of the total observed.” (Source:

You will need a clear, heat-safe test tube, stopper with one hole, and a glass tube that can be inserted into the stopper, a saltwater solution, a beaker of warm water, a beaker of ice water, and a permanent marker.

Insert the glass tube into the stopper. The glass should extend into the test tube. You may need to experiment to find the optimal depth for the glass tube.

Make a solution of 35 grams of salt per 1000 ml of distilled water.

The next step is best done over a basin or other container to catch spilled water. Fill the test tube to the top with saltwater. Press the stopper into the test tube. Water should rise up the glass tube. Water will probably also spill into the basin.

Mark the level of the water in the glass tube using a permanent marker.

Warm a beaker of water to 60º C. Place the test tube into the hot water bath. Observe the water level in the glass tube.

Chill the test tube in an ice bath and observe the water level in the glass tube.

Use your model to support an explanation of seawater expansion as a contributor to sea level rise.

Make a Model Ocean Acidification


The rising acidity of the oceans threatens coral reefs by making it harder for corals to build their skeletons.” (source:

You will need a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask, rubber stopper with glass tube and flexible tubing, test tube or small beaker, salt water, baking soda, vinegar, and bromothymol blue.

Make a saltwater solution of 35 grams of salt in 1000 ml of distilled water.

Pour saltwater into the test tube or beaker to about ¾ of the volume.

Add a few drops of bromothymol blue to observe the pH.

Place the flexible tubing into the saltwater.

Add a tablespoon of baking soda to the Erlenmeyer flask. Pour in 125 ml of vinegar and quickly place the stopper into the neck of the flask. You may need to hold the stopper in place.

If all went well, carbon dioxide gas should be bubbling into the salt water.

Observe the color of the saltwater.

Use your model to explain how rising atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide contribute to ocean acidification.

Travel next to Gambell, Alaska