Summary and Review

Summary Review

MP1 Entrance Card 5

Use the slideshow and the summary and review notes to prepare for entrance card 5.

Explore more using the Air and Ocean options at EARTH.

Climate: The general atmospheric conditions of a region as defined by average monthly rainfall and average monthly temperature based on long-term data.

Factors that Influence Climate

  • latitude
    • polar regions tend to be dry and cold
    • temperate regions tend to experience seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation
    • deserts tend occur at 30o N and S latitude, but can be on the leeward side of mountains
    • tropical regions tend to be wet and warm depending on other factors
  • Elevation
    • air temperature decreases for every 1000 feet that elevation increases
    • precipitation tends to be greater on the windward side of mountains near large bodies of water
    • precipitation tends to be lower on the leeward side of mountains
  • Proximity to large bodies of water
    • depending on prevailing winds, regions near large bodies of water tend to be wetter than those distant from a large body of water
  • Ocean Currents
    • regions near warm ocean currents tend to be warm and wet
    • regions near cold ocean currents tend to be cool and wet
    • the effect depends on prevailing wind directions
  • Prevailing Winds
    • unequal heating of Earth's surface leads to differences in air pressure
    • air moves from high pressure to low pressure
    • large air masses curve as the result of Earth's spherical shape and rotation around a polar axis