Queen Maud Land, Antarctica

How are climate change and land ice related?

Station 6. Queen Maud Land, Antarctica Story

From the hot and humid equatorial tropics of Africa, you enter a replica of Neumayer Station III, one of five German Antarctic research bases. Although the air is definitely cooler, fortunately, the Klimahaus refrained from simulating the bone-chilling temperatures that reach a high of -6º C (21º F) and a low of -30º C (-22º F). Temperatures can dip even lower in other parts of Antarctica setting a world record at -89º C (-128.2º F).

Neumayer Station III is located 2,000 kilometers from the geographic South Pole. From November 15 to January 27, the sun never sets on the station. From May 21 to July 22, the sun never shines on the station. Because temperatures never rise above the freezing point of water, precipitation is not measured. The coldest temperature ever recorded at the station, -59ºC (-58ºF) occurred on July 8, 2010.

High winds, shifting ice, and drifting snow complicate polar research. The station is powered by wind turbines. Drinking water is obtained by melting snow. Waste generated by personnel working at the station is packed and shipped by icebreaker to the nearest port. Hazardous waste like fluorescent bulbs is shipped back to Bremerhaven for disposal.

Antarctica is covered with a single mass of thick ice with places that never melt. Although surrounded by ocean, the climate is continental with little to no ocean or ocean current effects on weather. Because temperatures at Queen Maud Land remain below the freezing pointof water, there is no rainfall. Antarctica has two seasons, summer and winter. Each season lasts 6 months. During the winter months, most of Antarctica is in 24-hours of darkness. During the summer months, in most parts of Antarctica, the sun never drops below the horizon. It is as if the sun sets one day and rises six months later. Extreme changes in hours of sunlight, snow, high winds, blowing snow, and extreme low temperatures explain why Antarctica is unsuitable for human settlement.

Located at 8º 34' E/ 73º 30' S, Neumayer Station III has a climate designation of polar ice cap because the temperature on average never rises above 0º C (32º F). Neumayer Station III is the southernmost research outpost of the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven. Scientists at Neumayer Station III have been collecting daily atmospheric and ground weather data since the 1980s. Scientists make daily measurements of atmospheric temperatures and ozone levels using balloons that carry sensors high into the atmosphere. On the ground, scientists measure incoming and reflected long wave radiation, temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and snowfall. An array of infrasound sensors are used to monitor international compliance with the nuclear test ban treaty. Long-term atmospheric data is used to develop models and forecasts of future climate conditions.

Antarctica’s ice cores provide evidence of Earth’s past climates. All oxygen atoms have 8 protons (positive particles in the center of the atom). Most oxygen atoms have 8 neutrons (neutral particles in the center of the atom), but some oxygen atoms have more or less than 8 neutrons. Atoms with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons are called isotopes. Isotopes of oxygen may have different masses as the result of having different numbers of neutrons. Water is made of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The ratio of heavy and normal oxygen atoms from ancient water that formed ice provides clues to past climates. Carbon dioxide gas can also become trapped in the ice cores giving scientists insights into ancient atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.

Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions plays a significant role in regulating global climates. The annual cycles of land and sea ice in Polar Regions are being studied for understanding of geophysical systems interactions, for monitoring current climate conditions, and for forecasting future climate conditions. Although seasonal changes in ice coverage occur, the general trend in both Polar Regions has been a loss of ice mass.

The rate of ice loss in western Antarctica has tripled over the past half century. Because the ice sheet extends into the ocean, ice loss may be hidden until a large chunk of ice separates from land and falls into the ocean. Hidden ice melt may cause a collapse or calving. When glaciers calve, large chunks of ice fall into seawater altering temperature and salinity. When ice sheets collapse, the ice becomes a free floating iceberg drifting in the Antarctic circumpolar current, possibly melting and altering salinity. Scientists from many disciplines are studying the effect of land ice melt and glacier calving on ocean currents and ecosystems.

Penguin populations are being studied because penguins are indicator species of ecosystem energy flows in Antarctica. Antarctica peninsula penguin colonies are under stress and showing sharp declines in population. Warmer temperatures have caused rainfall instead of snowfall affecting the rate of successful egg hatching and chick survival in some penguin species. Other species are affected by losses in food sources caused by changes in ocean temperature and salinity from glacial melt and calving.

Modeling ocean systems, atmospheric systems, and ecosystems requires data. The Alfred Wegener Institute is committed to continuing the Antarctica research begun four decades ago, and to contributing to global understanding of climate systems and climate change.

Perhaps as he shivered in his tent in Antarctica, Axel Werner wondered how turning on a light bulb in Bremerhaven is connected to ice loss in Antarctica.

What to do

  • Look for clues to answer the question.

  • Examine the photo to identify factors that influence the climate of Queen Maud Land.

  • Use Google Earth to develop a sense of place.

  • Analyze the data and the climograph to observe patterns in rainfall and temperature.

  • Use the dig deeper resources to gather information to understand the processes behind climate change.

Queen Maud Land, Antarctica 8º 34' E/ 73º 30' S

Elevation: 141 feet Population N/A

Neumayer Station III website

Climate Type: Ice Cap

Climate Outlook

Predicted climate change:

  • Warmer temperatures

Climate Change Threat:

  • Loss of ice mass

Climate Change Impact:

  • Changes in global atmospheric circulation

  • Changes in ocean salinity

  • Changes in ocean currents

  • Changes in ecosystem energy flows

Neumayer Station is located 2,000 kilometers from the geographic south pole. From November 15 to January 27,he sun never sets on the station. From May 21 to July 22, the sun never shines on the station. Because temperatures never rise above the freezing point of water, precipitation is not measured. The coldest temperature ever recorded at the station -58ºF occurred on July 8, 2010. High winds, shifting ice and drifting snow complicate polar research. The station is powered by wind turbines. Drinking water is obtained by melting snow. Waste generated by personnel working at the station is packed and shipped by icebreaker to the nearest port. Hazardous waste like fluorescent bulbs is shipped back to Bremerhaven for disposal.

Make a Model

Fill an ice cube tray with distilled water. Add blue food coloring to the water. Place the try in the freezer until solid.

Make a saltwater solution using 35 grams of sodium chloride (salt) per 1000 ml of distilled water. Place the water in the refrigerator.

Cut a 1 liter clear plastic bottle to form a funnel from the top 0ne-quarter of the bottle and container for water from the bottom three-quarters of the bottle.

While you wait 24 hours for ice cubes and cold saltwater, test common objects to find one that floats in saltwater, but sinks in freshwater. The object needs to be small enough to fit in your bottle. The object’s buoyancy will be used to observe a change in density due to a change in salinity. Consider criteria and constraints that affect your design options.

When the ice and saltwater are ready, fill the bottom of the bottle with 250 ml of cold saltwater. Mark the water level using a permanent marker. Measure the temperature of the water. Leave the thermometer in the water for later temperature readings. Add the object you will use to observe changes in density due to changes in salinity.

Invert the top of the bottle and place it so it rests neck down on the rim of the bottom of the bottle. Place the blue colored ice cubes in the funnel shaped bottle top. The ice cubes will be playing the role of land ice.

Observe and record what happens as the freshwater ice cubes melt into the saltwater below.

Use your observations to describe the effect of melting land ice on oceans

Build an Explanation

Evaluate the evidence of ice mass loss and explain how freshwater entering the ocean can affect global climate systems.

Travel next to Satitoa, Samoa

Map credit: Alfred Wegener Institute