Getting started on your CV

If you're new to curriculum vitae, also known as CV for short, here's how you can get started writing yours.

CV overview.pdf

Pro Tips for Getting Started

Pro Tips from Enrichment Leads

Pro Tips from EXITO Alums

Leveling Up

Here's how others recommend doing it as you get more experience and things to add

How do I put that on my CV?

We often get asked how to word items for CVs and how to describe experiences. There are lots of things you can include, like:

Need help?  Come to EXITO Enrichment's Writing Workshops (see schedule for details)

Examples from Life

Your life experience and prior jobs are often directly applicable to research.  Don't discount how these experiences may uniquely prepare you for research careers.  Here are a few we hear about:

Citation:   Raz Link, A. and Marriott, L.K. (2021, January 8). CVs.  EXITO Enrichment.