Consider these when investing in real estate after a global health crisis

In order to become successful in real estate investing, an investor must determine asset and pricing cycles, and locking in the best investment choice at the perfect time in the cycle. Individuals who desire to start their stint in real estate investing must consider a few things before doing so.

While some individuals may not consider buying real estate as a form of investment, the property market actually offers better yield and lower risk in investments when done correctly as opposed to the stock market, says real estate professional Eugene Bernshtam. Before diving deep into a real estate investment, be sure to do a lot of research. Investors who fail to get a good return off their properties have most likely downplayed the role research plays in the process.

Many individuals who invest in real estate have considered the move as a means to earn residual income or as a financial safety net following retirement. It is important to note that a real estate investment is not easily paid off. The demand for quick cash cannot be met by a real estate asset.

Flipping houses is a form of real estate investment. According to Eugene Bernshtam, tenants will always need to have something in the property fixed, and sometimes, the repair has to be immediate. It would be best for investors to consider working with a contractor to supervise and repair and for maintenance of the asset. While this may scratch a bit from an investor’s bottom line, it sure would be effective and efficient in keeping the asset at a great value.

Eugene Bernshtam currently leads real estate investment and development firm Avalon Holdings, LLC and its affiliated entities, which specialize in apartment buildings and mixed-use properties. For more information about Eugene Bernshtam and what he does, click here.

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