A few reminders for your next car restoration project

Image source: carcility.com

Image source: carsdirect.com

Whenever people come to Eugene Bernshtam for advice on car restoration, he is always willing to give his two cents. Today, he shares another set of reminders for beginner car restorers out there.

1. Find out your purpose for building the car.

As a helpful exercise, it would be good to imagine that you have already restored a classic car. What will be the last thing on your mind? Do want to drive it or keep in storage for later use? Are you building to sell it off and make a profit? Once you know what the purpose of this vehicle is, then things become much easier, and this will steadily guide you throughout the restoration journey, notes Eugene Bernshtam.

2. Consider historical value.

If you’re picking out a car to restore, find one which has historical value. Everybody likes to experience a blast from the past. The car should have some authentic flair to it, and it's your job to bring that out. If you are considering restoring a car, it is best to have the original parts. If not, find another way to incorporate vintage aspects into your restoration project.

3. Invest in the proper tools.

If you are planning to start a car restoration project, chances are that you have already considered the tools needed for this task. However, there is one set of tools that often doesn't receive much consideration, and these are the ones used to clean the car before the restoration begins. While they may seem like simple items, neglecting to use them could mean that you have a big problem on your hands later on.

Eugene Bernshtam is a well-respected personality in the car restoration and ownership scene. He is a regular participant in the country’s leading car shows and competitions. For more about cars, visit this page.