A.I. and cars? What a thought

Image source: theconversation.com

Image source: innovator.news

Who else remembers watching the television show “Knight Rider” back in the ‘80s? In it, Michael Knight, played by the immortal David Hasselhoff, drives K.I.T.T., a black Trans-Am with artificial intelligence or A.I. It was a self-driving, self-thinking car. Now, almost 40 years later, such thought is slowly coming out of the realm of science fiction and into reality.

While it may take a bit of time for the first generation of self-driving automobiles to be shipped out en masse, with experts predicting it to be sometime in the 2030s, car enthusiast Eugene Bernshtam believes that prototypes will be out a lot sooner. He also believes that car manufacturers have to be ready for this revolution of suffer big losses.

If anyone has doubted the looming arrival of A.I. in cars, Eugene Bernshtam cites the many innovations of recent years that have pointed toward the coming of AVs, innovations such as rear parking sensors, A.I.-powered compliance, and maintenance processes, and full-fledged GPS systems. And even more A.I.-driven technologies are being developed at present.

As of now, a lot of cars are said to be at stage two of the five-step automation process, with driver assistance systems that help with lane-centering and cruise control.

And while, like any other traditional car enthusiast, Eugene Bernshtam still prefers the classics, he admits that the idea of cars being driven by A.I. has him, at the very least, intrigued.

Real estate developer Eugene Bernshtam is heavily involved in auto restoration. He is a member of both the Ferrari Club of America and the Lamborghini Club of America. He also loves traveling, scuba diving, and weightlifting. For more on Eugene’s work and interests, click this link.