Mental Health & Wellness

Within the British Columbia English Language Arts Curriculum on New Media for Grade 12 curriculum, the incorporation of mental health and wellness as a focal point reflects the pressing need to address the often overlooked dimensions of human experience. Despite the evident and escalating mental health challenges faced by young people, prevalent curricula often neglect this critical aspect within the context of new media studies.

  Click on the play button for the audio version of Mental Health & Wellness:  

Mental Health & Wellness.mp3

In an era where cyberbullying, social media addiction, and pervasive insecurity contribute to a profound mental health crisis among young people, the neglect of these critical issues in curriculum development creates an opportunity for a transformative shift in educational priorities. Recognizing the interconnectedness of mental well-being and the digital landscape, there is a pressing need for curricula to evolve and address the holistic health of young people. By integrating a focus on mental health and wellness within the context of Grade 12 New Media studies, we can empower students not only with digital literacy but also with the resilience and understanding needed to responsibly navigate the media landscape. Moreover, the cultivation of inclusive makerspaces within the context of new media further supports this shift, providing students with physical environments that encourage creativity, collaboration, and emotional well-being.

 You can view the Canva slide embedded above, or click on this link  

 for the full multi-media experience in a new tab (including audio).