About Us

"FUSE the cadres of cultural, social & political revolutionaries into united fronts & action."

-George Maciunas. Fluxus Manifesto. 1963

Take a look below to learn something about the cadre of educational revolutionaries that created this learning resource. Feel free to use the Google Form embedded below to ask us any of your burning questions, to share something you think we would like, or just to reach out and say 'hi'.

Thanks for visiting.


Desert dweller; English lecturer in Saudi Arabia; globetrotter and lover of fine international food and wine; recovering club DJ; tropical beach enthusiast.


Dedicated educator with 25 years in Los Angeles. Enjoys global exploration, artistic pursuits, and eagerly embracing the role of a first-time grandmother with joy.


Paper and gouache enthusiast; maker of tiny things; BC Public Servant and educator of estate administration; lover of shapes and geometry in art, architecture, nature and food.


Highschool Math, Spanish, and PE teacher in BC; of Costa Rican ethnicity. Lover of sports, outdoor adventures, and epic board games. Storyteller and mentor enthusiast.