Guardians Against Bias

Welcome to "Guardians Against Bias," an exploration of Grade 12 New Media, merging critical media literacy with curriculum jamming. Aligned with the progressive British Columbia English Language Arts Curriculum on New Media for Grade 12 curriculum, this lesson delves into bias dynamics in media and technology, emphasizing critical thinking and empowering students as Guardians Against Bias. Through curriculum jamming, we challenge narratives, reconstruct perspectives, and nurture a media-literate generation via this enlightening journey, bridging New Media theory with real-world implications, preparing students as informed digital citizens.

In the dynamic landscape of Grade 12 New Media, where technology and digital media intertwine with critical thinking, it is paramount to address the pervasive issue of bias. Curriculum Jamming is an innovative lens to scrutinize and reshape the existing New Media curriculum. Recognizing that no educational message is devoid of bias, and given the evolving societal discourse on equity, diversity, and inclusion, the imperative is clear: to instill in students a deep understanding of bias within media, technology, and educational frameworks. Engaging with the jammed curriculum, students not only uncover hidden biases but actively participate in reconstructing narratives, fostering a critical media literacy responsive to diverse perspectives.Â