Suupanniityn koulu

Suupanniityn koulu is an upper comprehensive school providing basic education (7 - 9 grades). Our pupils are between 13 – 16 years old. Basic education encompasses nine years and caters for all those between 7 and 16 years. The school follows a national core curriculum, which includes the objectives and core contents of different subjects. We have 60 subject teachers, 7 special education teachers, 7 special needs assistants, 700 pupils and 20 other staff. In Finland the number of immigrant students is still quite low and the percentage of immigrant students in our school is under 2 %. Even thought our student population isn’t that diverse yet, our schools are becoming multicultural and student population is generating to more heterogenous.

Address: Koulutie, 8 33960 PIRKKALA



Principal: Marita Intonen

Contact Person: Kati Lahtinen

Contacts: +35 8504343144, +35 8505982656


Enjoy a walk into our school