

Reflect on the following quote: "“As the school culture's dominant pattern emerges, it either embraces or marginalizes educators, parents, and students of dominated cultural groups” (Lindsey, Nuri Robins, & Terrell, 2003, p. 42; as cited in Linton, 2011, p. 95)

Answer the following questions using your note-taking sheet.

1) What are the dominant groups at your site?

2) In what ways does the site culture's dominant pattern embrace or marginalize them?

Revisit Initial Thoughts and Challenge Questions and answer the following questions by utilizing the google form below.

1) How has your thinking shifted as a result of reviewing the materials of this module?

2) What do you consider as the essential aspects of building organizational equity?

3) What elements of the Growth Framework for Equity or the 10 High-Leverage Equity Practices would you start with to foster more equitable conditions at your site?

Click on the google form button to access the google form to answer the module questions.

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