A Growth Framework for Equity

"Equity requires change" (Linton, 2011, p. 88).

Galloway & Ishimaru's (2015) Equity Growth Framework:

Galloway & Ishimaru (2015) identified 10 high-leverage leadership practices that support the conditions for equity in schools. On the next page, you will learn about the 10 high-leverage leadership practices for equity.

They also developed an equity growth framework that can be used to implement the high-leverage practices. The three themes that make up the growth framework are:

  • Perspectives on opportunity and achievement gaps (disparities),
  • Locus of control (Leadership), and
  • Data and inquiry practices

The themes can be placed along a continuum from least to most equitable. The Equity Growth Framework can be used to assess your site's current conditions for equity and guide you in changing the equity conditions at your site.

Equity Growth Framework Assessment:

As you review the three components of the equity growth framework that follow, assess and record where your site falls along the continuum for each theme:

  • Perspectives on achievement and opportunity gaps
  • Locus of control
  • Inquiry and data practices

At the end of the module, you will use your notes from this equity growth framework assessment to plan your initial steps for creating or improving the conditions for equity at your site.

Click next to go to the 10 High-Leverage Practices for Equity section of the module