How Leaders Create the Conditions for Equity

"In an equity-based model, policymakers intentionally adjust a variety of resources to better serve the highest-need students. The allocation of resources at the school and district level must go further to address inequality. That requires bold and intentional conversations about school structures, student supports, data use, professional learning and instructional improvement that help meet individual student needs. Those conversations encourage schools to view each student - and each staff member - as an individual with needs, skills and a background that is unique to him or her" ( Larson & Barton, 2013, p.4).

About This Module

Equity is a complex topic that encompasses many facets of leadership, education reform, and socio-economic issues. This module offers district and school leaders an introduction to equity and the conditions that create equitable school environments. The module provides educational leaders with strategies based on equity frameworks and research-based high-leverage equitable practices to implement in order to begin equity work at their sites and help teachers meet the needs of all of their diverse students. See the additional resources section at the end of this module for links to tools for assessing equity, creating action plans, and seeking support for improving the conditions that reduce opportunity and achievement gaps and establish equitable learning environments for diverse students and staff.

What if all students, and the adults who support them, received the individualized supports and scaffolds necessary to feel a sense of belonging at school, to achieve at high levels, and to take control of their own outcomes? That's equity. As you explore this module, you will gain strategies for making that happen at your site.

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