Cultural Relevance and Equity

" What is a school culture of equity? A school culture of equity is one where educators create a classroom, school, and system where excellence is achieved for every student, no matter who that student is or where that student comes from. In a school culture of equity, diversity becomes the norm for all, not the exception for a few" (Linton & Davis, 2013, p. 1).

Reflect on the video and think about your own ability to embrace equity by uncovering your own biases, stereotypes, and privileges. Record your reflection on your note taking sheet.

Linton, 2011: "The purpose of engaging in this process of centering one's self in equity is simple: if you do not understand deeply your own realities, it is very hard to help others - such as your students - successfully negotiate their own realities" (p.6).

Reflect on the quote and try to answer the following question by completing the Activity below. What are the most important dimensions of your own identity?

Activity: Identifying the most important dimensions of your own identity.

Using the Circle Handout Activity, engage in a process of identifying of what you consider to be the most important for your self-identity. Reflect on the following:

​a) How do the dimensions of your identity that you chose as important differ from the dimensions other people use to make judgements about you?

b) Where do stereotypes come from? How do those stereotypes relate to equity and inclusive education?

Capture your thoughts on your note-taking sheet.

To create equitable organizational environments, school leaders need to promote culturally inclusive classrooms and equitable school cultures that exhibit relevancy by providing:

  • an effective and safe learning culture that delivers instruction which inherently connects with students' prior knowledge and background, while also explicitly showing how the learning matters personally to the student;
  • culturally competent educators who inherently design and deliver daily instruction that matters to the student, connects with who they are, and reflects where they come from locally and culturally

(Linton & Davis, 2013, p. 59)

Click next to go to the Equity Frameworks section of the module.