

What's a blog?

A blog is where you truly Learn Out Loud. One of my favourite quotes is:

If you're overthinking, write.

If you're underthinking, read.

How can you create a blog as part of your learning in our course? The best starting point is to think of a topic that you really care about. Go back to your discussion forum "conversations" or annotations you made in Perusall and collect all of the great points you made.

Then edit and shape that content into a blog! Be sure to remove reference to course activities like "post", "last week", etc. Your blog audience is public - they won't know what you mean.

Writing a blog gives you a chance synthesize course materials and concepts, of course. If you like, you can incorporate an infographic too.

How do I write a blog?

Give your audience a reason to read your blog (or watch your vlog). Use a meaningful and interesting title, for example. Start with a spark, a question, an interesting statistic - something to attract them. Our brains also thrive on curiosity. Make us curious!

Here's a great article to get you started: How to write a blog post in 10 steps, from

What to keep in mind