About Me

Photo of Karen Caldwell with river in the background.

Hi, I'm Karen

I'm Dr. Karen Caldwell, an adult educator and curious lifelong learner. Please call me Karen. I live in Eastern Ontario and work in the Thousand Islands region.

I have a doctorate in Mind, Brain and Teaching from Johns Hopkins University and the learning experience - largely online and mostly from overseas - changed me

In all the right ways. 

So did living and working in several countries: Dominican Republic, South Korea, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, the U.S. and my beautiful homeland, Canada. These days, I teach online at SUNY Potsdam and do consulting work in my region, South-Eastern Ontario.

E-portfolio Connection

I use e-portfolios in my own job searches as well as in my training and teaching. I created this site so I could connect with you and help you to get started with e-portfolios, including to:

When I say "course work" I'm talking to you as a student or instructor. Even if your course doesn't require it, ask your instructor if you can switch out one of the assignments for this one. It'll pay off. Trust me.

Story Telling = Learning

Here are a couple of videos that tell a piece of my own story.

Learning Out Loud

This 18-minute TEDx talk outlines my approach to learning and teaching, Learning Out Loud.

Learning and Me: A Love Story

A wee 10-minute window into my messy, complicated relationship with learning.