Art and Design

Art and Design is firmly in our wheelhouse. We created apps to help young learners about making a project plan and using colors. For middle and high school students, detailed interactive and industrial design processes are elaborated upon.

Art Concepts for Young Learners

Riley and the Dog House

An engaging, interactive story that reinforces the value of making a plan.

Color the Sky

A thorough overview of basic color theory. 

Interactive Design Lessons

This comprehensive lesson walks students through the user experience design, user interface design, visual design, and development of a website using Google sites. A couple of example websites are shown below. See the Interactive Design lesson website here (external link).

Example website focused in the Invincible Comic

Jack is into the Invincible comic series and created a site that contains his personal reviews.

A website design focused game development

Dylan shared some ideas regarding how a level design can double as a tutorial for designing game mechanics.

Industrial Design Lesson

This comprehensive lesson combines user-centered design, geometry concepts, “why” and "what if" questions  \and a collaborative process on the way to learning about the Industrial Design profession. The students will ask to define a problem and “What if” questions to explore solutions. Then they will create and refine a product concept through design sketching and paper prototyping. Integral to the lesson is the idea that repeated failure and refinement (iterative design) is an acceptable and necessary part of the Industrial Design process. 

See the Industrial Design lesson website here (external link).