
We tackled the topic of mental health and neurodiversity. We all became better citizens and are grateful to our students that shared their experiences with neurodiversity and mental health, as well as the Mental Health America organization, our resident cognitive scientist Ellie Caruthers, Accessibility expert Jean Hanks, and The Diatribe.

Insights Into Neurodiversity and Mental Health

Biodiversity in the natural world is a commonplace idea. So why are we hesitant as a culture to acknowledge the diversity of ways in which people think and learn? The Insight Into Neurodiversity podcast draws from the experiences of real people to help us see past the flat stereotypes, misleading headlines, and limiting rhetoric about neurodiverse individuals. 

Insights Into Neurodiversity

About Mental Illness

Mental Health America

We created three youth-targeted animations that were used by MHA to promote their mental health screening services. We created captioned and audio described versions to ensure accessibility for deaf and sight-impaired persons. They each play an important role in helping individuals determine whether they could benefit from taking an online mental health screening.

What is Anxiety

What is Anxiety (with audio descriptions)

What is Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder (with audio descriptions)

What is Depression

What is Depression (with audio descriptions)


This virtual reality app builds empathy by placing students in the shoes of their peers that experience challenges with dyslexia, attention deficit, and obsessive compulsive behaviors. It also provides succinct definitions for each.

Social Anxiety in the Classroom

Dyslexia in the Cafeteria

OCD in the Art Room

Health Anxiety

This explainer video about a common, but not often discussed, mental disorder called health anxiety. It's sometimes referred to as hypochondria.