The Interactive Design Profession

What do Interactive Designers do?

They design apps, games, VR experiences and web sites. Each phase of this lesson represents a specialization in the profession. In a small company, a designer may do all fours jobs: UX Design, UI Design, Visual Design, Development. In a large company, they may do one or two of them.

According to Chanelle Henry, Web Design Engineer & Consultant, interactive design is built off of a foundation of graphic design; knowing how to follow the grid, color theory, and typography but takes it further to interactive devices such as computers, tablets, phones to build user experiences.

How does one become an Interactive Designer?

Most designers study in two or four year college programs. Then, it may take several more years of professional experience to become fully capable. Because technology is always changing, interactive designers are constantly learning new methods. If you like to design, love technology and are a good problem solver; you might enjoy being an interactive designer.


Here are some online resources where you can immerse yourself in all things interactive.

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