4. Development


Add the all of the assets that you created into your wireframe layouts. Instructions for working with Google Sites can be found on Google's website.


All images should be given alt tags so sight impaired persons can use the site.

All text should be high-contrast against its background and backgrounds behind text should be low contrast or a solid color

For more information on designing for accessibility see the EPIC accessibility design guide


Testing your website's performance is an important last step. Test and refine the design until it performs well on the tests

  • Google Site Speed Tester : the key to passing this test is reducing the pixel dimensions of images and saving them as jpegs with medium to high compression.
  • Google Mobile Friendly Tester : Google Sites are automatically mobile friendly
  • Wave Accessibility Checker: Google sites have accessibility built in, but, you still need to manually add alt text to images and keep contrast high for text readability.
  • User Testing : Letting another person, preferably from your target audience, navigate your site and observing their behavior is a great way to find out if your site design is affective.