
Write a 3-part log line below. This is sometimes called an “elevator pitch”. It’s how you can describe your project in a meaningful way in a short amount of time (like the time it takes to ride an elevator).

Target Audience (example: 5-8 year old sports nut)

  • Type here

Objective (example: teach the rules of soccer)

  • Type here

Aesthetics (example: colorful and action packed)

  • Type here

User Experience Stories

List 4 “wants” that you will satisfy with your website. Ask friends and classmates to help with this.


  • I want to know that this site is geared towards someone like me.
  • I want to feel confident about knowing the rules when I go to my first soccer practice.
  • I want to know all the soccer terms.
  • I want to know the rules specifically for youth leagues
  • Type 1st want here
  • Type 2nd want here
  • Type 3rd want here
  • Type 4th want here


Paste the website url of 3 websites that you will use for inspiration and explain why. The benchmarked sites should be within the genre of your website. For example, if I am design a website about soccer, I will benchmark soccer websites.

URL 1 (landing page benchmark)

  • Type url here
  • Type why here (example: the home pager header is has an awesome action photo & a fun tag line)

URL 2 (navigation/organization benchmark)

  • Type url here
  • Type why here (example: the information is easy to navigate in the menus system)

URL 3 (design benchmark)

  • Type url here
  • Type why here (example: the illustrations show the action well and are easy to understand)