Why Does My Dog Lick Me So Much?

Dogs LOVE to Lick Their Owners - But Why - What does it mean when a Dog Licks your Face?

One of the most common reasons why dogs love to lick their owners is quite simply to show their affection. You as their Owner are their Carer, their Family , their LIFE! You are the whole world to your loving canine so ofcourse it will try to show affection on a regular basis.

When dogs lick, pleasurable endorphins are released into their blood which makes them feel calm and comforted. Their mother most likely licked them when when they were a puppy, so its their natural instinct to lick people and other animals to show their love.

One of the most common reasons why dogs love to lick their owners is quite simply to show their affection.


Why Does my Dog Lick me so much?.. Because He 🌹LOVES ME!!!🌹

😘😘 😋

What Does it mean when a Dog licks Your Face? -It means ❤️TRUE LOVE!!!❤️

What Does it mean when a Dog licks your Face though? Is it Harmful to your Health?

A friendly lick anywhere from your dog can be a fun and cute gesture for some, while other K9 owners may find it downright disgusting - especially if its on the face! But apart from affection - why is your dog licking you? And is it harmful to your health?

Why does my Dog Lick me so much? So many reasons!

Dogs lick for a variety of reasons other than simple love and affection. The slow licking of the muzzle and the body is intended to "feed" the other, as when the mother is licking her young. This common dog face licking behavior has most likely evolved from ancestral wolf pup behavior. Wolf pups licking the mouths of adult wolves would prompt the regurgitation of partially digested food. This is how puppies transition from suckling their mother’s milk to eating partially digested food to more solid food.

It can - ofcourse also mean the other way around: licking near the mouth can mean the dog needs to be looked after. This could also be a reason why your dog starts to lick you: he may want to tell you that he needs affection. It could be that he just needs, for example, you to fill his bowl with water. Does your dog lick your face, hands and feet when you get home? Ifso he probably wants to say to you, "I'm so glad you're here, take care of me!❤️"

Sometimes a dog will also lick you just because you have good taste. Salty moist skin is culinary delight to most K9s! When you are sweaty after a workout you will most likely be flavour of the month!

A dog that licks another dog around the mouth is probably showing humble respect. When this happens you will see other soothing signals such as a wagging tail down. It is thought this type of licking means: "Be nice to me, I don't mean harm to you!"

Dogs sometimes lick their own faces - particularly their lips. Often this is accompanied by other soothing signals such as various sounds and yawns. It is thought that this could mean: "I am stressed, leave me alone". It is important to recognize and understand these kinds of signals to avoid stressing your dog . If you are a full or part time dog sitter it is important to try to understand your friends or clients dogs that you don't know very well... Learn more about soothing signals.

Dogs can signal their stress or intentions through licking behaviors..

A dog that licks its lips often feels uncomfortable

A dog that licks another dog on the mouth is showing humble respect

A dog that licks a persons feet is indicating their submissiveness to their master

A dog that licks your sweaty skin is in K9 Culinary Heaven!

Licking and grooming

Dogs also usually lick themselves to wash and take care of themselves. They do this to stay clean, for example around the paws, abdomen, and genitals. If the dog licks excessively in one and the same place, it may mean that he is in pain. The dog may be in pain for example, because of an injury to the skin (splint, burn, scratch), but also he can suffer in his joints due to a sprain or arthritis. Dogs often hide their pain for as long as possible, so don't leave your dog with health problems for too long and regularly check if your dog is in pain anywhere.

In addition, excessive licking can indicate itching due to allergies or fleas or ticks: you must therefore first rule out fleas and ticks in your prognosis. If in doubt, consult a veterinarian.

Finally, compulsive licking can sometimes be a sign of stress or boredom. In this case, check if the dog is in an unpleasant situation for him. Maybe something has changed in your household that is causing tension? Or maybe your dog isn't active enough. In this case, your dog could benefit from a personal dog walking service or a dog sitter. In order to keep your dog healthy and happy, you must always keep an eye on his behavior. You will find that a dog gives you a lot of important information about his state of mind with his body language!

Can a dog lick be bad for you?

If you don't mind getting a kiss from your dog every now and then, what about your health: is it harmful to get licked by your dog? It is a myth that a dog's tongue is clean or can even heal. A dog's tongue indeed contains bacteria (about 400 on average), including certain pathogens. As such it is important to Never let a dog lick your sores or kiss you on the mouth. This is particularly important for Older people, young children, and people with lower immune resistance..

Ofcourse bacteria are everywhere, (there are usually a lot more bacteria on your kitchen towel than on a dog's tongue! ) If you really would prefer your dog NOT to lick your face - don't punish him, just say "no" and let him sniff or lick your hand instead.😋 His intentions are good and in K9 language he is - after all - most likely just telling you he LOVES you!!❤️❤️