What Does It Mean

When a Dog Howls?



Why Do Dogs Howl???

Most experts agree that Howling is one of many forms of communication used by dogs. Dogs can howl to attract attention,or to make contact with other dogs and to announce their presence. High-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments can often stimulate one or many dogs howling.

Wolves are the ancestors of our pets, and they’re known for howling at the moon. But actually - did you know the moon has nothing to do with wolves’ howling?

Wolves howl at night because they are mostly nocturnal, and they need to communicate with other wolves. They throw their heads back, which makes it appear that they’re looking up - towards the moon.. Wolves actually do this regardless of the position or fullness of the moon.

Your domestic K9 most likely still has some of those wolf like instincts buried deep down that make them want to shout to all the neighbor dogs - unfortunately sometimes thats in the middle of the night.!😩

How To Stop Your Dog Howling (or Barking)

There are many ways of stopping your noisy K9 from unwanted howling or barking. This article has numerous links to some great training material which can give you step by step guides for this and many other training solutions. One method is as follows:

Ignore the howling/barking.

  1. When you put your dog in their crate or in a gated room, turn your back and ignore them.

  2. Once they stop barking or howling, turn around, praise them and give a treat.

  3. As they catch on that being quiet gets them a yummy treat, lengthen the amount of time they must remain quiet before being rewarded. Remember - POSITIVE REINFORECMENT -is ALWAYS the way to train Mans Best Friend!

Check out the Howl on this Beast! Click on the picture to play..😁