How to Train Your Dog in 2020

What to Train your Dog, and Answers to Some Common Dog Related Questions

Follow these tips to train your dog to become an obedient loving companion

Stay Informed and Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy with the Answers to The most Common Dog Related Questions

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Brain Training 4 Dogs is ideal for those of you who really want a well-behaved dog…but your current companion isn’t one.

That can lead to frustration for both the dog and owner alike because nobody is having fun.

This 7-module video training course covers what to train your dog, and how - it is the creation of Adrienne Farricelli, a professional and certified dog trainer.

It works on the basis of something called neuroplasticity, or basically the medical reason why old dogs actually can learn new tricks.

And the neat part is the entire training program is based on getting your dog to play new games.

So there’s no force involved in any of your interactions with your pooch.