How COVID-19 Affects Your Dog

What you need to know ( REF USA -CDC June28 2020)

  • A small number of pets worldwide, including cats and dogs, have been reported to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, mostly after close contact with people with COVID-19.

  • Based on the limited information available to date, the risk of animals spreading COVID-19 to people is considered to be low.

  • It appears that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from people to animals in some situations.

  • Treat pets as you would other human family members – do not let pets interact with people outside the household.

  • If a person inside the household becomes sick, isolate that person from everyone else, including pets.

  • This is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available.

FACE MASKS COVID-19 AND DOGS - Tips To Help Your Dog Cope With People In Face Masks

With face masks now being mandatory due to the COVID-19 virus in most parts of thew world now, some dogs may feel scared or anxious when seeing their owners and others wearing the face masks.

Face masks limit a Dog's ability to read and understand us

Dogs are very visual and communicate with humans and other dogs through facial expressions and body language so by wearing face masks we have limited the dog’s ability to read our facial expressions and only focus in on our eyes, which can exacerbate the problem.

In the dog world, direct eye contact can be perceived as a threat, while our dogs have learned to read our facial expressions so well that they know when we smile or have a relaxed expression, it is a positive sign.

So, if a dog is meeting a person for the first time and all they can see are two eyes staring at them, it can be very intimidating , as they have no other way to read our facial expressions.

Even with their owner, an anxious dog may bark or move away when they walk in the door with a mask, so it is always important you talk to your dog in a light upbeat manner to know all is well.

Sensitise your dog to your face mask

It’s also a good idea to get them used to you wearing the mask.

Step 1: Let dog sniff and investigate a mask. Give a treat when they sniff and there is no reaction

Step 2: Let dog see you putting the face mask on while talking to them. Start with just putting it partly on your face and give a reward for no reaction.

Step 3: As they become familiar with the mask and are not reacting, gradually cover more of your face, again using praise and treats to reward a calm response.

Step 4: Wear it at home for a short while a couple of times a day, always encouraging and rewarding calm behaviour.

If at any time your dog does react, then take the mask off and go back a step in the process.

When you leave your home wearing your mask, take some treats with you to further encourage your dog to respond positively to others wearing masks in public.

When you are out whist wearing a face mask

If you meet a dog when out wearing a face mask, ensure you don’t stare or stand over them. Blink your eyes and look away a few times to show that you are not a threat and talk to them in a friendly light voice. You need to show with your body language that your intentions are not a threat.

It’s also important that you do not walk up and pat or touch them. Pat your leg and let them come to you when they feel comfortable. If they don’t want to, then leave them alone.

This is something we should be doing at all times when we meet a dog we don’t know, with our without a face mask.

For tips on how to greet a dog (or not!) in the ‘At Home with PETstock’ video on Facebook, click here.

Look for signs of anxiety in your dog when introducing your face mask

When you are introducing your dog to your face mask, or if out and about, always check for the subtle signs of anxiety such as licking of the lips, yawning or panting. For more tips on how to tell if your dog is anxious or not, click here.

No face masks for pets! Dog or Cat!

Do not put a face mask on your pet – even for social media photos.

There is limited evidence that pets and companion animals can get infected with COVID-19 and no evidence to date they can pass it to humans.

Therefore, there is no need to place a face mask on your pet and doing so may cause them significant distress and in some cases cause life threatening breathing difficulties.

As a precaution, practice good hand hygiene and minimise contact with your pet if you are sick.



Want to know the best way of house training a dog so it will become an obedient loving Companion?

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