What Foods


For My Dog?

What Foods Are Bad For My Dog

Sometimes the list of things our dogs are not allowed to eat seems longer than the allowed food. Many foods that we humans regularly enjoy pose a danger to our four-legged friends. They mostly contain individual active ingredients that are toxic for the dog and can seriously damage the internal organs. Some foods can even be fatal, so read and take note carefully!🧐

In this post we will explore ;

What Food is Particularly Toxic To Dogs;

Dogs LOVE Bones are but we Humans Don't.. So NEVER assume everything we love to eat is fine for a Dog!

What Food is Particularly Toxic to Our Dogs?

We Humans are social animals and love to share. We all love a scrumptious meal - and what better way of showing our affection than to feed a morsel of our delicious dish to to our beloved K9 Companion right? ... Well .. Maybe its Ok - But MAYBE its REALLY NOT OK!

The fact is that we humans have a completely different tolerance to food groups than our Lifelong Furry Friends.

Some foods are just downright bad for dogs and can cause all sorts of health problems - and even DEATH if the morsel is way too big! Even if your dog has eaten these foods in the past with no problems, they could be causing serious issues that you might not be aware of. Here are a few foods you should NEVER feed dogs, no matter how adorably they beg!

Play with your dog or give them toys if you want them to arc up and be perky. Caffeine wakes us humans up, but can be FATAL to our Furry Friends!

The MOST Toxic Foods for Dogs Include;

A few substances lead to death even in very small amounts and are therefore particularly toxic to dogs:

  • Raisins and grapes

  • Beverages containing caffeine

  • Cocoa and chocolate

  • Almonds and fruit pits

  • salt

  • raw pork

  • Sweetener xylitol or birch sugar

Raisins and Grapes

Most of us love fresh juicy Grapes and sweet dried Raisins . Your dog will most likely eat them too if you offer - but be aware - Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs! Even just a small amount can make a dog quite sick. Relentless vomiting is an early sign. Your dog will also most likely get sluggish and depressed within a day. Seek advice from your Vet.

Beverages with Caffeine

Play with your dog or give them toys if you want them to arc up and be perky. Caffeine wakes us humans up, but can be FATAL to our Furry Friends! Watch out for coffee and tea, even the beans and the grounds. Keep your dog away from cocoa, chocolate, colas, and especially energy drinks. Caffeine is also in some cold medicines and pain killers. Think your dog had caffeine? Get your dog to the vet as soon as possible.


Can I Give My Dog Chocolate?


Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but many children are unaware. Parties, Easter and Christmas pose real threats for our Loving K9 Pets . Often during these times young kids think they are doing the family pet a favour - and generously share with them abundant chocolatey treats. A trip to the Vet will spoil the fun - or worse trying to explain how a brand new Puppy will joining the family soon...😩

Why You Cant Give Your Dog Chocolate!..

The problem in chocolate is theobromine. It's in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate. Theobromine is a compound that is a strong chemical stimulant. In humans, this "alkaloid" is metabolised quickly, and theobromine has been shown to have some quite beneficial effects including mood elevation, myocardial (heart) stimulation, cough suppression, and vasodilation (widening of blood vessels from relaxation of the muscular wall of the vessels).

Things are very different for animals — especially cats, dogs, horses, birds, and small pets . None are able to effectively metabolise theobromine. If they are fed chocolate, theobromine will remain in their bloodstream for up to 20 hours and may cause epileptic seizures, internal bleeding, heart attacks, and even death. Chocolate is such a potent stimulant than it is banned in horse-racing -as a performance-enhancing drug!

The amount of theobromine in white chocolate is very small, and most likely even a large amount consumed by your Loyal K9 Companion will no doubt cause discomfort, but probably will not kill him. The most dangerous types however, are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Chocolate can cause death -and at the very least even a small amount can cause a dog to vomit and have diarrhoea.

The Good news is that the bigger the Dog, the more it needs to really harm him - a lot more! Ofcourse if you are the proud owner of a fleet of teacup Poodles then this is not good news at all... - The solution is pretty simple however, - just keep your K9 pack away from the Toxic Treats!

Death by chocolate? Feeding sweets to your pet is no laughing matter

How Much Chocolate Will Cause Harm To My Dog ?

CLICK the link below to find some sample estimates for amounts ( Ounces or grams) of dark and milk chocolate that will be harmful for selected breeds of dogs. Bear in mind that these are only estimates based on average weights for a breed. Some breeds may have higher or lower tolerances than others and toxicity varies between individuals.

The amount of theobromine in white chocolate is very small however, and most likely even a large amount of white chocolate consumed by your Loyal K9 Companion will no doubt cause discomfort, but probably will not kill him...

Why Can't I Feed My Dog Almonds and Fruit Pits?

Seeds from certain "persimmons" ( fruits) can cause problems in a dog's small intestine. They can also block their intestines. That can also happen if a dog eats the pit from a peach or plum. Peach and plum pits also have cyanide, which is poisonous to people and dogs.

People know not to eat them. Dogs don't.!😳😳

Eating too much salt can make your dog seriously thirsty. That means a lot of trips to the local tree or fire hydrant and it could lead to sodium ion poisoning

Why Can't I Give My Dog Salt?

It’s not a good idea to share extremely salty foods like pretzels or potato chips with your dog. Eating too much salt can make your dog seriously thirsty. That means a lot of trips to the local tree or fire hydrant and it could lead to sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, tremors, high temperature, and seizures. Worst case - indeed it may even be FATAL!

Raw pork can contain Aujeszky virus. This virus is harmless to humans. In the dog, however, it causes symptoms that are similar to those of rabies. If the disease breaks out, there is no cure. It ends with death.

Why Can't I Give My Dog Raw Pork? Or some other Raw Meats, Fish, And Eggs?

This one is a subject of controversy, as many vets are seeing health benefits from their patients switching to raw meat diets, including healthier skin and coats, cleaner teeth, and easier digestion. Some vets recommend cooking raw food to kill off bacteria and parasites that can be harmful to dogs. The majority of vets and the FDA still discourage feeding raw meat to dogs, and salmonella and e. coli infections do happen in canines. Most of these infections happen to dogs whose immune systems are already compromised, but it may be hard to tell if your dog’s immune system is completely healthy. Raw eggs have enzymes that can cause skin conditions in dogs, and raw fish can hide parasites that cause fatal diseases. There are risks to a raw diet that you need to weigh against the benefits before you decide to try it. These risks can be reduced through freezing and proper preparation, but you need to learn how to properly handle raw food before you feed it to your dog.

The important thing to understand is that it is absolutely not safe to just run to the grocery store, buy raw meat, and toss it into your dog’s bowl or to allow your dog to sneak unprepared meat off the counter or out of the garbage. If you are planning to switch to a raw diet for your dog, you need to learn about proper preparation of the food so that the risk of bacterial or parasitic infection can be minimised, learn about the appropriate amount to feed your dog, and take into account your dog’s overall health. Research and understand the risks and stay informed. If you don’t, your dog can get very sick. ( Ref. Dogtime. com)


Why Can't I Give My Dog Xylitol Sweetener Or Birch Sugar?

Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol and other similar substances. This (Birch Sugar as its called sometimes) can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, fatigue weakness and coordination problems. Even small amounts can be fatal. Eventually, your dog may have seizures.. Liver failure can happen within just a few days.

Be careful with foods such as Peanut Butter. Brands made without Xylitol are totally fine, but there could be dire consequences if you don't check the labelling thoroughly! 😳🤢

What Other Food Is Dangerous For Dogs ( But not Toxic and Most Likely Won't Kill Him )?

List Of Other Foods That May Be Dangerous For Your Furry Friend

WHAT?? - your dog can’t have bacon? Actually yes- that’s right! High fat foods like bacon, ham, or meat trimmings can cause pancreatitis in dogs.


Depending on the amount ingested and the alcohol content, it leads to vomiting and coordination disorders. Large quantities can do serious harm to humans, so imagine what it could do to a K9 100th of your size!.. Don't ever give your dog a relaxing ale or cocktail! Ever.


There are different types of avocados. Some of them contain the toxic active ingredient persin. This substance can cause heart muscle damage and in massive doses possibly even death. Even if it is a non-toxic variety, the avocado is very high in fat and leads to severe diarrhoea.

Bacon and Fatty Meat

WHAT?? - your dog can’t have bacon? Actually yes- that’s right! High fat foods like bacon, ham, or meat trimmings can cause pancreatitis in dogs. And since these meats are often high in salt content, too, they can cause upset stomachs and, in extreme cases, can cause dogs to drink too much water, leading to bloating, which can be extremely serious. Save the fatty meats for yourself once in a while maybe and always stick to leaner choices for your dog!

Eggplant, raw

Eggplants are part of the nightshade family. These contain the poison solanine. Under no circumstances should eggplants be fed raw to a Loyal Companion.

Eggs, raw

Raw egg white inhibits the absorption of biotin. However, your K9 friend needs biotin to regulate carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Occasionally, you can feed them raw egg yolks. However, keep an eye on the risk of salmonella. Hard-boiled eggs can be fed every now and then without worry..

Chicken or Poultry Bones

Poultry (eg Chicken ) bones are of course not poisonous. However, they splinter and can cause serious injury to the dog's digestive tract.


There is nothing to be said against a little oatmeal fed to Buddy every now and then.However, grain is used as a filling material in many industrially produced dog foods, and large amounts are simply not good for a Dogs health. Its a good idea to find Dog food without grain and feed your pet better varieties with millet, corn and rice.

Garlic or Chives

Dogs can only tolerate a small amount of garlic. In larger quantities, however, the allium contained changes the red blood cells. This leads to anemia and can lead to a very very sick K9!. Therefore, feed your Furry Friend garlic or chives with great care! ( Better just NOT to!)

Macadamia Nuts

Why the macadamia nut is poisonous to dogs is not really known. If the dog eats these nuts, general weakness, vomiting, fever, gait disorders and even lameness can occur. Leave them as treats for humans!


In general, lactose, i.e. milk sugar, is only digestible for Puppies . After that, dogs should stop drinking milk. However, dairy products such as yogurt and cottage cheese are often fed as light foods and are quite fine.

Potatoes, raw

Potatoes belong to the nightshade family and, like eggplants and peppers , contain the poisonous substance solanine. Boiling neutralises solanine. Boiled potatoes are an optimal source of carbohydrates for dogs and are totally fine. The green parts of potatoes contain particularly high concentrations of solanine so steer clear of them!

Tomatoes, raw

Tomatoes, like eggplants and potatoes, belong to the nightshade family. They can be fed in small quantities . Be sure to remove all green spots because they too contain the poisonous solanine. When cooked, tomatoes are completely harmless.


Green and black tea contain a lot of tanin. This active ingredient has a mild effect similar to caffeine on both Canines and humans. Therefore, your dog should avoid green and black tea varieties. Herbal teas are of course allowed and offer themselves as natural remedies .


Onions are harmful to the dog when raw, dried or cooked . Onion contains Sulfur compounds that can damage red blood cells in our K9 Compatriots. The effect can be similar to that of garlic and other types of leek. No "Onion Breath" Dogs ThankYou! ( As if it would matter..😂)

Just Give me A Big Bone and Ill Luv U ❤️FOREVER!!

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate Or Other Toxic Foods?

Quite simply ..SEEK ADVICE FROM A VET IMMEDIATELY! If none available;

Click here for some FIRST AID advice..

What are the Signs of Chocolate Poisoning?

Theobromine mainly affects the heart, central nervous system and kidneys. Symptoms will occur from 4-24 hours after your dog has eaten chocolate and will vary depending on the amount of chocolate (Theobromine) your dog has eaten.

Symptoms you may see:

• Vomiting (possibly including blood)

• Diarrhoea

• Hyperactivity and restlessness

• Rapid breathing

• Muscle twitching

• Increased heart rate

• Seizures / fitting

If your dog has eaten any chocolate contact your vet as quickly as possible with as much information as you can about how much they have eaten and the type of chocolate consumed. Preserve wrappers and remains of the chocolate and take them with you to the Surgery.

There is no antidote to Theobromine. In most cases of chocolate poisoning, your vet will initially make your dog vomit, wash out their stomach and then feed them activated charcoal to absorb any Theobromine left in the intestine. Please do not be tempted to make your dog vomit yourself, this should be done by your vet in a controlled manner. If no vet is available ( Christmas night?😩)and won't be for an extended period, then follow the FIRST AID ADVICE by clicking on one of the links...

Note: Older dogs and dogs with heart conditions are more at risk of sudden death from chocolate poisoning.

Click here for some FIRST AID ADVICE

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Chicken Bones Or Other Dangerous Foods?

Dont panic. Its probable your Loyal companion will be just fine - especially if its only a small amount. Cooked chicken bones are worse than uncooked , due to the brittle nature. Most dogs will digest a few of either just fine however, so no need to drop tools immediately and rush to the vet!

If your Loyal Companion has nibbled on ANY of the "DANGEROUS" ( not Toxic) foods as listed above chances are he may just get an upset stomach and be perfectly fine. That said , you must Monitor Closely for unusual behaviours - vomiting, lethargy etc as below and seek advice from a Vet immediately if obvious symptoms arise.

Here are the signs you need to watch out for:

  • Vomiting or retching

  • Excessive drooling or panting

  • Restlessness and looking uncomfortable

  • Tiredness, reluctance to move

  • Refusal to eat

  • Stretching repeatedly or moving oddly

  • Whining, crying when his abdomen is touched

  • Bleeding from his bottom, diarrhoea, or straining to empty his bowels

  • Other behaviours that you don’t normally see in your dog (such are growling) and that might indicate pain or discomfort

You know your dog best, and will best be able to tell if he is behaving normally. If your dog displays any of these symptoms take him to your Vet without delay!