Why Does My DOG Lick His PAWS

Dogs Often Lick Their Paws - But Why??

Why Does My Dog Lick It's Paws? - Is It Bad If Dogs Lick Their Paws?? - How Do I Stop My Dog From Licking His Paws?

In this post we will explore Why a Dog Licks it's Paws, and any health problems that may be associated with our Best Friend's "Feet Licking Good" behaviour. We will also look at when and what remedies for stopping our Dog Licking it's Paws are appropriate and available.

Use this awesome training program to stop you dog from unwanted bad behaviour

Why Does My Dog Lick Its Paws?

Most experts agree that dogs may be inclined to lick their paws, sometimes excessively, if they are irritated, itchy or injured. Dermatitis, Parasites, Food Allergies and Pain will also cause your dog to intensely lick his paws, often concentrating on one paw only.

Remember , however Occasional paw licking is normal as part of their self grooming process, and there is no need for concern when observing this normal K9 behavior! This may occur after walking on sandy or sticky /dirty surfaces.

Dogs may also often lick their paws before bed or lick themselves to sleep. This is just their way of winding down, relaxing and soothing themselves. If there is no redness or swelling or other obvious cause, this type of paw-licking should not be a concern.

If, however ,your dog frequently and/or aggressively licks his paws, there is a good chance something is wrong. The seven most common reasons for the "Feet Lickin' Not -So- Good Behavior" is listed below..

What does It Mean If My Dog Licks and Chews Their Paws All the Time?

The 7 Most common reasons that Dogs Lick Their Paws

  1. Pain

  2. Yeast Infection And Other Allergies

  3. Anxiety

  4. Boredom

  5. Displacement Behavior

  6. Dry skin

  7. Fleas and ticks

  1. PAIN

Licking One Paw Only

If your dog doesn't usually lick his paws, and suddenly starts , - then it is often indicative of pain or irritation. This is especially true if your Best Friend is only licking one particular paw.

If the licking is limited to one paw, then this often suggests that the problem is right there on that paw. The pain or irritation in that area can be caused by anything, such as wounds, fighting injuries, a thorn, a splinter, broken glass or old nails , bee stings or other small insect or animal bites.

Limping associated with the Licking!

In the case of Pain - you will most likely see limping as your pup attempts to reduce the severity. Don't ignore it - and in this case and a visit to your Vet should be considered as soon as possible.

Sometimes Limping occurs without obvious paw injury - and this could be indicative of something going on at a deeper level, such as a muscle sprain or some type of inflammation or fracture, especially if the limping is accompanied by licking.


Excessive and regular licking is often attributed to allergies that can be caused by a multitude of allergens. It could be the grass or weeds your pet plays in, or his diet, or chemicals around your house or in your yard , - or even your carpet cleaning products can be a source of a reaction.

To find the cause of the problem can be quite difficult, however take good notice of when your dog likes his paws excessively , and this may give you some important clues.

If he has just been playing outside on the lawn for example, then the itching is likely caused by pesticides found in the grass or by the grass and weeds themselves. In this you should clean your dog's feet with a wet wipe after playing in the grass to prevent further irritation.

Finding the real cause of the discomfort can be a very difficult and indeed frustrating. It may require great investigation to figure out what your dog is allergic to. If you simply cannot find the reason you should consider taking your Furry friend to the Vet for a blood test. This will enable you to treat the root cause of the problem rather than just letting your K9 suffer - or giving your dog anti-histamines to relieve the problem short term.

If you suspect a yeast infection, then it is almost always caused by a poor diet. Sometimes the simplest treatment for itching and paw licking or other yeast infection symptoms such as hair loss - is switching out your dog's food. Your vet for can provide advice for this . Make sure as a matter of course to provide quality dog friendly foods full of the nutrients that are beneficial for your K9s skin, gut, and well being.

The following link provides a more comprehensive overview of the


Anxious Dogs can be problematic when left alone!

Causes of Anxiety:

Similarly to anxious humans biting their nails, - paw-licking or chewing is common behavior in an anxious Dog. Our K9 friends will often try to find relief from the anxiety by licking themselves excessively, often on the paws. The causes of such anxiety may vary and range from separation anxiety to obsessive-compulsive disorders.

If the licking becomes compulsive and excessive, dogs may even lick themselves to the point of rawness, and develop unsightly ulcers often referred to as ''lick granuloma." It is still not completely understood whether lick granulomas are triggered by anxiety or if they are the cause of anxiety. Some say this is a K9 chicken or egg quandary.


Bored Dogs can be also be problematic when left alone!

In todays world the environment for dogs is totally different from their wild ancestors . In previous times our K9s family would spend enormous amounts of time devoted to hunting and scavenging for food, or fighting and fending off other predators or packs. In stark contrast our dogs of today are often left at home in a small yard, or worse - inside in a tiny enclosure or crate for most of every day. Is no surprise then that our energetic K9 companions may become very bored and frustrated, and to relieve the dullness in their lives may often engage in furniture destruction or other activities that may include excessive licking and chewing of their paws.

Boredom Treatment for Dogs:

  • Try not to leave your dog at home unattended for long periods of time.

  • If you must leave your dog home alone, find and supply dog -toys to keep him occupied.

  • Play with your K9 Friend regularly and ensure this includes plenty of exercise. Your dog needs around 30 minutes a day for a walk or to play catch at the park , or to frantically sniff out the neighbourhood on the end of his lead. Dont forget this is most likely great for your well being too!

  • Allow your dog to socialize with other people and other pets.

  • Try not to keep your dog confined in a crate or tied in the backyard - especially on a long lead that can get tangled around something and restrict access to food or water..


In a similar fashion to humans chewing on a pen ,or twisting your ring when you feel mildly stressed and not sure on how to proceed in a situation, "displacement" behaviors can also manifest in Dogs. When our K9 companions are facing unresolved conflicts they will often display some out of context behaviors that seem rather unrelated. Licking of the paws - sometimes frantically, can be one such behavior.

For example, paw chewing can occur when a dog is frustrated about something. It may be when its toy drops down some stairs to the floor, or when it can't have something that it desires.

If you think your pet exhibits paw licking displacement behaviours, dont worry! - with training and impulse control exercises for dogs, in this case our dogs paw chewing can be dramatically improved.

I know its there.. I can see it!

..paw chewing can occur when a dog is frustrated about something. It may be when.. . it can't have something that it desires. 😋😋


STOPPPP!.. That Tickles! Now my feet are so WET!🤣

Our Loyal Companions love to lick Dry Skin - but not just their own!

Dry skin can be caused by over-bathing or a dry environment. Dry skin in your Dog can also be more common amongst certain breeds.

Environment and Weather: Dry skin is also common amongst our Furry Friends that live in harsher cold and dry climates. Over the counter natural dog lotions or oils or similar products prescribed by vets to relieve the dryness can be a solution in this case. If you are worried about oily paw prints all through the house, try feeding your pet quality vitamins and oil supplements. This can also be one of the best remedies for dry skin.

Breed Specific: Hairless Dog breeds are often more prone to a variety of skin conditions because they don't have the natural protection that hair provides. The Chinese Crested Dog, the Xoloitzcuintli, and the American Hairless Terrier are breeds that are commonly associated with dry skin and paw syndrome.


Fleas and ticks are a problem with nearly all of our Loyal Companions at one time or another. Fleas ,along with ticks from playing in grassy areas - can cause severe itchiness that can lead to compulsive paw licking and chewing. The condition can get even worse if it so happens that your dog is also allergic to fleas. Insecticides and flea medication can be used to alleviate the problem, - but you must make sure you don't just get rid of the pests on your Dog - make sure you rid your house of fleas too. The carpet or your pets bed is often a flea breeding ground without proper treatment after infestations.

If your pet is allergic to cleaning products or over-the-counter medications, there are non-toxic ways to get rid of fleas and prevent them from coming back.

If you suspect your dog has a problem , firstly inspect the area of concern.

Dog Licking Paws Remedies

You may have to seek advice from a veterinarian when your dog has an obvious paw injury or exhibits consistent intense licking especially on one paw only.

Follow these links to find more detailed information about Dog Skin Disorders and Wound Licking

As mentioned yeast infections on dogs paws are also a common problem. If you suspect a yeast infection, then it is probably caused by a poor diet. Often changing your dog's food to provide quality foods full of specific nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for the stomach and the skin will alleviate the problem. If in doubt always ask your vet for advice.