
Master in Computer Vision (MsCV):

B31XI - SI: GitHub syllabus and practise

My own education:

You can find in the following section some handouts, reports, presentations which could be useful.

Master Erasmus Mundus in Vision and Robotics:

Heriot-Watt University - Edinburgh - Scotland:

  • Culture Studies:

    • Presentation of France: [pdf]

    • Comparison between French and British political system: [pdf]

  • Data Mining:

    • Coursework assignment 1 - Reduction and accuracy of dataset:

    • Coursework assignment 2 - Correlation, selection features and confusion matrix:

    • Coursework assignment A - Data repositories: [pdf]

    • Coursework assignment B - Methods for dealing with missing data values in datasets: [pdf]

    • Coursework assignment C - Find similarities of documents using Jaccard coefficient: [pdf]

  • English Writting:

    • Poster - Image processing method for automatic threat detection using millimiter-wave images: [pdf]

    • Literature review - Boosting algorithms: [pdf]

  • Image Processing:

    • Greyscale image enhancement using automatic contrast stretching: [pdf]

    • Algorithms for colour compression and segmentation: [pdf]

    • Motion estiation, features detection and tracking: [pdf]

Universitat de Girona - Girona - Spain:

  • Autonomous Robot:

    • Summarize: Autonomy and control in animals and robots: [pdf]

    • Docking robot: Bayes rules: [questions] - [answers]

    • Laboratory: Grid localization: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Extended Kalman Filter localization: [pdf]

    • E-Puck laboratory: Obstacle following: [pdf]

    • E-Puck laboratory: Path planning: [pdf]

  • Fundamental on Robotics:

    • Robot specification: KUKA KR 5 sixx R650: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Cosimir simulation - Palletization using Mitsubishi RV MV2: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Palletization using Mitsubishi RV MV1: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Cosimir Simulation - Painting process: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Pallet assembly guide using Staubli TX60: [pdf]

  • Real-Time Image Processing:

    • Summary about analog and digital camera: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Celoxica DK Design Suite & PixelStreams: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Tag Tatille library: [pdf]

    • Face detection: Viola and Jones modified: [pdf]

    • Presentation: Shot detection: [pptx]

    • Paper: Shot detection: [pdf]

  • Scene Segmentation and Interpretation:

    • Laboratory: Region growing segmentation: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Co-occurrence matrix and Laws’ texture masks methods: [pdf]

    • Presentation: Evaluation Measures for Segmentation: [pdf]

    • Paper: Evaluation Measures for Segmentation: [pdf]

  • Visual Perception :

    • Laboratory: Camera calibration: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Studies of detector and descriptors: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Harris corner detector: [pdf]

Université de Bourgogne - Le Creusot - France:

  • 3D Digitization:

    • Laboratory: 3D reconstruction: [pdf]

    • Laboratory: Autocalibration using Mendoca and Cipolla algorithm: [pdf]

    • Presentation: Compressed sensing: [pptx]

    • Presentation: 3D tracking using Active Appearance Model: [pptx]

    • Paper: 3D tracking using Active Appearance Model: [pdf]

  • Biological Basis on Image Processing:

    • Literature review: Image processing on abdominal aortic aneurysm (CT and MRI): [pdf]

    • Presentation: Image processing on abdominal aortic aneurysm (CT and MRI): [pptx]

  • Biologically Inspired Models of Vision:

    • Presentation: A critical view of context: [pptx]

  • Human Psychophysics:

    • Classification using a Kohonen network

  • Image tracking:

    • Laboratory: Mean-Shift tracking: [pdf]

  • Local Culture:

    • History of Tour de France: [pdf]

  • Medical Imaging:

    • Guide: User Manual for Medical Imaging Project: Management and Post-Processing of Prostate Perfusion MRI: [pdf]

    • Code: Software (MATLAB): Management and Post-Processing of Prostate Perfusion MRI: [git-repository]

    • Presentation: Management and Post-Processing of Prostate Perfusion MRI: [pptx]

  • Pattern Recognition:

    • Paper: Wood crack detection: [pdf]

    • Presentation: Wood crack detection: [pdf]

  • Wavelets:

    • Paper: An introduction to super resolution using wavelet: [pdf]

    • Presentation: An introduction to super resolution using wavelet: [pptx]

Bachelor in Electronic, Signal and Image:

  • Project:

    • Image processing using FPGA

  • Signal processing:

    • Lab 1: Shannon Theorem - Frequency modulation: [pdf]

    • Lab 2: Analysis and signal processing using Matlab: [pdf]

    • Lab 3: Acquisition and signal processing using Labview: [pdf]

    • Lab 4: Phase Locked Loop and demodulation of FM signal: [pdf]

    • Lab 5: Studie of television composite signal: [pdf]

    • Pack 5 Labs: [rar]

  • Waves theory:

    • Lab 1: Surface hydrodynamic waves: [pdf]

    • Lab 2: Curve of dispersion of electric wires: [pdf]

    • Lab 3: Propagation in coaxial wire: [pdf]

    • Lab 4: Use of TRLINE software: [pdf]

    • Pack 4 Labs: [rar]

  • English:

    • " Medical Imaging Technics", Lemaître Guillaume, Rameau François

D.U.T. Génie Electrique Informatique Industrielle:

  • Studies and building:

    • Detection of dysfunction of car stop lights using a Webcam

      • Paper: [pdf]

      • Presentation: [pdf]

      • VB.NET code for the software: [rar]

      • VB.NET and MPLAB codes to control car miniature: [rar]

  • Training period:

    • " Studies of autonomous underwater vehicle "