Central Foundation Girls' School

Art and Design at CFGS plays a vital role in allowing curiosity, creativity and self-expression to develop alongside confidence and critical thinking.  The curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge students to achieve well, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, create their own works of art and to have confidence in expressing their own ideas.   Students participate with the process of making work that is in response to, and inspired by their interpretations of a diverse range of artists, designers and crafts people from different times and cultures.  The curriculum contributes significantly to students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 


The themes taught across the key stages aim to create successful learners who have an understanding of how art affects and enhances our society and surroundings by learning about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understanding the historical and cultural development of their art forms.  High priority is given to analysing and evaluating artworks, which supports development of critical thinking skills.  Each scheme of learning has a clear progression of skills that builds on prior learning.  The practical skills taught include observational drawing and painting using a range of materials as well as printmaking, ceramics and sculpture with increasing mastery across the key stages.  Students have the opportunity to produce creative artwork by exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.   

Students studying GCSE Art and Design have the opportunity to produce creative and personal artwork by exploring their ideas and recording their experiences in response to a given theme.  The work presented includes a selection of outcomes created by our current GCSE Art and Design students.  


CFGS is proud to have an excellent record of student attainment and progress with GCSE and A Level results that are consistently in line with or above the national average.   


Central Foundation Girls' School Website: https://www.central.towerhamlets.sch.uk

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Art Gallery 

Nabiha Yr11

Thahiya Yr11

Zaima Yr11

Amani Yr11

Sadiah Yr12

Jahara Yr11

Maimona Yr11

Maimona Yr11

Nuha Yr11

Talibah Yr11

Amran Yr11

Sanjida Yr11

Summaya Yr11

Ahdia Yr11

Zainab Yr11

Tanjima Yr11

Amani Yr11

Iris Yr11

Sharmin Yr11

Summaya Yr11

Asfi Yr11



Francesca Yr11

Lemonie Yr11

Alesha Yr11

Hikmah Yr11

Sumaya Yr11

Thahiya Yr11

Sadia Yr11

Kayla Yr11

Fatemeh Yr11

Ahdia Yr11

Manfoosha Yr8

Nawshin Yr8





Mitha Yr8

Sumayyah Yr8

Thania Yr8

Frankii Yr7

Lamar Yr7

Mohona Yr7

Safiyyah Yr7


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