Common App

Common App

  • What is Common App? Common App is the website where students can apply for out-of-state colleges and universities which includes 2-year and 4-year institutions.

  • How should I prepare? We encourage you to view the Common App Application Guide to get an overview of what to expect when applying.

  • What happens if I need help? View our video tutorials below. It takes you step by step on how to create your account, how to apply for a 2-year college and how to apply for a 4-year university. If you still need assistance, contact the College Access Team.

Good luck, Class of 2022!

Check out Common App's application guide for first-time students! It guides you through the process step-by-step.

Common App: How To Apply

Step 1: Create a Common App account.

When creating your account, use your personal email. Once you graduate, you will no longer have access to your Alief email. It's important to use your personal email or create an email specifically for college applications, financial aid and scholarships.

This video is used solely to for educational purposes to assist seniors with Common App. Alief ISD is not affiliated, support or endorse the creator(s) of the video.

Step 2: Login

If you are applying for universities or community colleges in Texas, all applications will be completed on Apply Texas. Application requirements vary, and admissions/scholarship deadlines can be found on Apply TX. If you are having trouble finding an out-of-state university/college on Common App, contact the College Access Team.

Step 3: Apply for a 4-year university for Fall 2022.

Follow the video tutorial below and select the 4-year university that you want to apply to. We recommend that seniors complete an application for Houston Community College and 3+ universities; this will allow students to have options. After completing the HCC application, students can return to their homepage and select 'Copy' in the far right to apply for another 4-year university.

At the end of the year, if a student chooses to attend another college/university, they will have the option to decline admissions for any colleges/universities they are accepted to.

This video is used solely to for educational purposes to assist seniors with Common App. Alief ISD is not affiliated, support or endorse the creator(s) of the video.

Step 4: Invite reccomender(s).

We encourage seniors to add the College Access Team and/or their counselor as reccomenders so that we may monitor your application process and/or submit additional documents, if necessary.

  • If selecting 'invite counselor', add your counselor's information.

  • If selecting 'invite advisor', add our information:

This video is used solely to for educational purposes to assist seniors with Common App. Alief ISD is not affiliated, support or endorse the creator(s) of the video.

Common App: Essay Resources

What do I do after submitting my application?

If you have any questions or concerns about the Common App application process, contact the College Access Team. We can't wait to work with you!