College Checklist

Is college the right match for you?

Are you interested in pursuing a higher education at a 2-year community college or 4-year university? College may be the right match for you. Students may begin at a community college then transfer to a 4-year university or begin at a 4-year university right away! To assist with paying for college, it is highly recommended to apply for financial aid. To learn more, check out our FAQ's page.

College Checklist and Resources

1. Apply for a 2-year college or 4-year university!

Are you interested in going to a college or university in Texas? You will need to complete a college application on Apply Texas (

Are you interested in going to a college or university out-of-state (not in Texas)? You will need to complete a college application on Common App (

2. Application Fee

If you have free/reduced lunch, you are eligible for an application fee waiver. Contact the College Access Team.

If you pay for lunch, you will need to prepare a form of payment at the end of your application. If you are interested in applying for free/reduced lunch, click here.

3. Send additional requirements!

  • High School Transcript

  • *TSI Scores: If the college requires TSI, contact Mrs. Cantu to schedule to test for TSI. TSI scores are printed on your high school transcript.

  • *SAT/ACT Scores are optional to send depending on the college/university's admission requirements.

4. Apply for financial aid (FAFSA or TASFA) and scholarships!

Financial aid is financial funding available for higher education which can include grants (free money that you don't pay back), scholarships (free money that you don't pay back), or loans (money you do pay back). Students will apply for one financial aid application - FAFSA or TASFA. Based on the student's financial background, they may be eligible to receive some or all of these financial aid options. Students will then have the opportunity to accept or decline their financial aid options once they receive their financial award letter. In order to receive a financial aid award letter, the student will need to apply for the college or university and apply for one financial aid application.

If you have any questions or concerns about the college application process, contact the College Access Team. We can't wait to work with you!