Phase One
Setup: We establish communication to organize the programming effort by determining how and when meetings with stakeholders and sources of information will be called, and records of the meetings will be kept.
Phase Two
Research: We research the project type by identifying issues like: Space criteria in the building, and Spatial relations for functions, (NASF/GSF/TARE) ratios, Cost/sq ft, Municipal building regulations, Technical, Electro-mechanical, Security, Site analysis...
Phase Three
Setting Project Goals: We establish objectives of the building by soliciting broad goal statements that guide the design process. Investigating whether the proposed design meets the owners' expectations: aesthetically, economically, dwelling capacity, return on investment, probable/actual construction costs, operating and maintenance, level of quality, sustainability, project life cycle...
Phase Four
Setting Design Criteria: Defining design approach, building components, flexibility and design alternatives, circulation issues, security and accessibility issues relevant to the building surrounding, proposed finishing materials, architectural style and treatment, and all other architectural design issues.
Phase Five
Writing the Design Program and Operational Plan: All above information documented for the client, and all parties involved in the design process, including description of the project time span, cost/fees dues, construction management till the date of project delivery
Architectural programming is the research process defining the building components. The client is supposed to know the components, spaces, functions, and goals of the building to build before hiring an architect. In most cases, the client comes with a vague program, does not have the expertise to develop the program, and needs the services of a programming consultant.