Getting ready for Portugal

During the third week of February 4 teams from Germany, Slovenia, France and Spain went to Portugal, Oporto to do the second mobility of the Erasmus+ project.

Who and why went to Portugal?

Before this project started, all the people from Tarragona who was taking part in the Erasmus+ splited in 5 groups where students could choose the people they wanted to go with.

The members of our group were: Bernat Verdú from 1r Bat A, Alex Ribera and Amal Essebay from 1r Bat C and finally Berta Andrés and Júlia Calvo from 1r Bat B.

Students could not choose their destination. That’s why we did a lot. We really wanted to go to Slovenia or to Portugal and finally that was our destination.

What was our task for Portugal?

The task was about introducing some places/products from Spain, more specifically from the catalan region which had been awarded an eco-label. In order to do this work we splited it in 3 main ‘sections’

1) Interviews: students had to interview different entities that were closely connected to Eco-tourism: local people, a local institution that cared about the environment and people exploring an economic activity related to eco-tourism. By doing so, they had to cover the three Ps that are fundamental to the philosophy of eco-tourism: People, Profit and Planet.

Montse Plana, Sheila Andrade, Lucas Artigas , Cristina Filgueras, Nuria Menchón and Marta Urquiz were the students that did this task.

2) Once the interviews were done, we had to put them together in a video summarizing the most important aspects of those interviews. Paula Borreguero and Alba Soldevilla made the vídeo.

3) Here is where the Portugal team started working: Alex Ribera, Berta Andrés and Bernat Verdú were chosen in order to make a presentation of two places in Catalona and some catalan products that had been awarded with an eco label and explaining how they maneged to get it.

Amal and Júlia were the ones that prepared a short speech introducting the presentation and the vídeos too.

Júlia Calvo