Before Slovenia

Before coming to Slovenia some students have made a survey to see the actions that people take in their daily life in order to help the environment. Later, we made a poster to show people how their actions affected the environment. Finally we made a second survey to see if our poster had influenced their actions.

First survey

The main objective of this survey was to know if people was conscious about the damage they are making in the enviorment.

There were a wide variety of topics like: plastic, reuse and recycle, transport, water resource and nutrion.

Click here!


Before talking about the result of each issue mentioned on the survey, that’s the poster we made between the surveys to raise awareness.

The poster we made was entitled a conditional that said, what would happen if ...

Then the two sections begin, if we reduce the consume of plastics, and explain the consequences of the section, and the same with what would happen if we changed our habits.

Finally, the poster ends reflecting on the importance of acting.

Second survey

Its purpose was to compare the results from the second survey with the first one. So then we could know if the contestants had change thir minds about which thing they could do to protect the environment.

The presentation

We did a presentation, to expose in Slovenia with the comparison of both surveys and the poster. Here you can see the presentation we made with genially.

Click here!

Lucas, Marta, Paula, Sheila and Júlia.