Before Portugal

In the 5 month period before five of us go to Portugal, we had divided the twenty spanish students in groups for doing some different tasks, like interviews, presentations, writing an article about ecotourism in the city, ... At the end, the purpose of all this tasks is to complete a web where people will be able to see what does ecotourism mean and what can the society do for getting involve in this movement.

The first task we did was to create this web, the ones who work in the web divided all the tasks and the other erasmus students that don't work in the web do other things that then, we'll post and explain in this web.

The first interview we did was to environmental officer. In that interview, Lucas asked him about what kind of offers does the region have for contribute to ecotourism and how important is what the tourists demand to the companies to help to improve the ecotourism in general.

The conclusion about the interview is that the tourists really need to take responsability and to get involve in ecotourism because what people asks is what the companies will offer

Another interview that we did was to a hostal mistress, her name is Pepa Menchon and Marta asked her about what kind of things does she does to contribute to ecotourism and what kind of rules does she has in her hostal to have a eco-label.

The last interview was to a local person. Nuria Menchon and Sheila asked him some things about what does he does when he goes to a trip and whats his pont of view about ecotourism.

Erasmus+ video.wmv

Final Video

By: Júlia F and Paula