Alumni Society

Dear All,

We propose to form an Alumni Society exclusively for students of the Economics Department.

As a first step we are trying to create a database of ex-students of the Department. We will greatly appreciate your help if you kindly inform others in your batch (or those with whom you have connections), and encourage them to register. You can also send their emails to us (; we will contact them by email.

The alumnus, whether of the College, or of the University, are requested to sign up for the Alumni Society using the Google form.

Once we have the database ready — we are setting a target of 30 November 2019 for this — we will make the Alumni Society functional. Apart from an Annual Reunion, we hope that it will help ex-students to network among themselves, encourage visits to your Department (you will find interacting with the students a pleasure!), and so on. If we have a flourishing Alumni Society its members can think of many activities that the Society can plan.

Those signing up will be kept abreast of developments through this site, as well as through periodic emails once the site becomes fully functional. Meanwhile, you can always write to us at giving your valued inputs and suggestions about improving the site and specially the Alumni page, or even informing us if you are in Kolkata and want to visit the Department. In such cases, please mention your batch to enable us to identify you.

For upcoming events and photographs of lectures, workshops, and other events organized by the Department, please visit our facebook page

Existing directory of registered alumni (view only) is available here.