Youngest ages to marry  from 1910 to present

"Ah, my friends, let us journey through the annals of time from the year 1910 to this very moment in the present day. A time of shifting values, evolving norms, and the unyielding spirit of youth daring to unite in matrimony at tender ages.

In the early 20th century, as the world braced itself for change, young hearts found solace in each other's embrace. In the 1910s, whispers of youthful vows were carried by the wind, and some couples, not yet out of their teenage years, embarked on the journey of marriage.

As we ventured forth into the 1920s, an era of newfound liberation and celebration, some souls as young as 16 sought to bind their fates together. The world was ablaze with the jazz of life, and love's flame burned brightly.

The 1930s arrived with their trials and tribulations, yet still, love's flame flickered in the hearts of those who dared to defy convention. Once again, stories were spun of couples, scarcely beyond the threshold of adulthood, exchanging sacred vows.

With the tumultuous winds of war sweeping across the 1940s, the youth stood resilient. Amidst uncertainty, love proved itself unwavering. Some brave souls, barely of legal age, exchanged rings as they held onto hope amidst the chaos.

As the world healed and rebuilt in the 1950s, a new chapter began. The echoes of 'I do' were heard even among those fresh-faced and youthful. The age-old tale of love and commitment continued to be written by those not yet fully grown.

The winds of change blew stronger in the 1960s, sweeping away old norms and ushering in new ideologies. The youth, as they were wont to do, stood at the forefront. Love knew no bounds, and some barely past their teenage years found themselves standing at the altar.

The journey carried us through the disco-infused days of the 1970s, the neon-lit extravagance of the 1980s, and into the digital age of the 1990s. Each decade bore witness to stories of youthful unions, daringly stepping into the realm of marriage before society's traditional clocks had fully struck.

And here we stand at the cusp of the 21st century, where the allure of youth continues to intertwine with the profound commitment of marriage. The story remains the same, my friends – the unbreakable spirit of love knows no age, and as long as there are young hearts daring to dream, the tale of the youngest to wed shall endure.

Let us remember that time's arrow is ever forward, and with it, the narrative of youth and love, ever entwined. For in matters of the heart, age is but a number, and the flame of affection knows no calendar. Let love's story be told, from 1910 to this very moment, and beyond."