Wellbeing Scope & Sequence

Wellbeing is our priority

At Eastwood, we prioritise our students' mental health and wellbeing by following a scope and sequence plan F-6 that incorporates the health, social and emotional curriculum and promotes the latest research in Positive Education psychology practices. Our School's Values of Respect, Kindness, Honesty & Resilience, along with our Pos Ed Character Strengths and the 3 pillars of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness are explicitly taught in our weekly Wellbeing lessons. The Respectful Relationships program (started in 2021) has further supported our students with how to be positive, respectful and resilient young people so they can grow up to live in  healthy and respectful relationships.  The school's participation in the BeYou Mentally Healthy Schools Program aims to increase participation in mentally healthy activities and build resilience in not only our students but the whole school community. Our partnership with implementing the Real Schools framework will also promote a restorative practices approach and build a more positive school culture. Furthermore, our Chaplaincy program supports the social and emotional health and wellbeing of our students, staff and families within the school community.

We host a variety of additional programs and wellbeing initiatives also. These include: