Peer Mediators program

Peer Mediators

In 2019, Eastwood Primary School began implementing a Peer Mediators program to promote student leadership so that our senior students were equipped with the skills to help support any low level disputes in the playground. It also fully supports our restorative practices philosophy and helps to shape our positive school culture.

Students apply to become a Peer Mediator and are provided a special day of training for this important leadership role.

The training involves: discussing how to be an active listener; learning how to be assertive; learning the qualities of a good problem solver; understanding the skills of how to show empathy towards others; brainstorming solutions; negotiating; understanding of when to escalate a problem to teachers and how to follow the ‘6 steps’ to mediate a problem.

Students have shown great maturity towards their responsibilities as a Peer Mediator and are well sought out in the playground wearing their bright orange vests. It is also a great way for younger students to bond with older students.